Call of Dragons Versionshistorik

Farlight Games

Fördjupa dig i det omfattande arkivet av Call of Dragons APK-versioner, med detaljerade anteckningar och kompatibilitetsinformation för var och en av 3-versionshistorikerna som samlats in sedan Oct 18, 2024. Den här sidan är tillägnad fans som vill utforska utvecklingen av Call of Dragons.

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    Swedish (16) Se allt
  • Initial release

Vad är nytt i den senaste versionen av 1.0.31

1. New Royal Celebrations Event Series
The embers of the old age are dying, and a new era is about to be born. The dragon bows at the feet of the exalted High King!
If the Flame Dragon's Lair is occupied by an Alliance at the end of Season 1, this will begin the Royal Celebrations event series.
1) Royal Proclamation: The High King can issue a Royal Proclamation, celebrating this momentous occasion with all Lords of the Realm.
2) Kingdom Celebrations: Members of the Alliance that occupies the Flame Dragon's Lair can purchase the Kingdom Celebrations Bundle and share Gift Boxes containing awesome rewards with their fellow Alliance Members.
3) Time of Celebration: Celebration Chests will appear on the map every 8 hours during the event, and can be opened by all players.

2. Roots of War Rework
1) The Roots of War map has been redesigned. Changes have made to terrain, Safe Zone exits, and the locations of Halls and Outposts; the Seal of Thorns has also been removed.
2) There is now only 1 Lifestone on the battlefield at any given time. It will respawn at the center of the battlefield.
3) Some gameplay features have been improved. You can now see building details in Safe Zones for both teams. The March Speed of Rallied Armies has been adjusted, as has the speed of routed Legions returning to their Base Camp. You can now apply more Markers. The effects of occupying an Outpost have also been changed.
4) Added a new Battlefield Guide. Zoom out and tap the Counsellor/Shaman/Sage avatar in the bottom-right to obtain more detailed information about the battlefield.
5) Added teams for registration. An Alliance can configure up to three teams to take part in different Roots of War matches, allowing more Alliance Members to take part.
6) Extended the registration period. Alliance Officers now have more time to manage participants.
7) Added a voting function to the registration period. Alliance Officers can use it to better schedule activities.
8) The team roster will not be locked after registration. Until the registration cutoff time, players can cancel their registration and change team or Alliance at any time.
These features are still in the testing phase, and will be rolled out to a limited number of servers. See in-game for details on when features will become available.

3. Golden Autumn Holiday Event
Autumn has come, and the air is rich with the fragrance of the harvest. Rolling waves of golden grain stretch as far as the eye can see—the reward for a season of toil.
Log in for 7 days to receive exclusive City Themes and decorations!
1) Harvest Time: Sing the praises of the autumn harvest, and exchange Tomatoes and Bread for amazing rewards!
2) Festival of Fortitude: Log in daily for 7 days of great rewards!
3) Chance Encounters: Strange and wondrous things await you in your travels across the land!
4) Vale Society Quiz: Put your knowledge to the test and win rewards prepared by Velyn!
5) Caravan Escort: Complete Escort Quests for bountiful rewards!

4. Seasonal Gameplay Improvements
1) Improved the Season 2 map. Players entering Season 2 will be able to enjoy an all-new map of Belleron once the update is complete. This will not affect players currently in Season 2.
2) Improved Ancestor Statue gameplay for Season 2 and beyond. Once an Ancestor Statue has been occupied, its occupation status will not be affected if members of other Alliances or Dwarven Guardians enter its challenge range. If all Alliance Members' Legions die or leave the challenge range, the Alliance will lose control of the Ancestor Statue, and it will be open to contest again.

Call of Dragons APK-versionshistorik

Nedan finns en lista över APK-filversioner för Call of Dragons. Observera att nedladdningslänkar för varje version kanske inte är tillgängliga, eller endast tillgängliga efter utvecklarens godkännande.

Call of Dragons v1.0.31
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Call of Dragons v1.0.2323
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1. ¡Se acercan las celebraciones por el aniversario! ¡Celebra nuestro aniversario con una serie de 14 días de fantásticos eventos!
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Call of Dragons v1.0.2229
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1. Season T1 "Rage of Dragons" is Coming! After completing Season 2+, players will begin a whole new Season!
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Call of Dragons v1.0.1725
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1. Roots of War The Elven Queen Lucia has awakened the power of Pren Hynafol, the revered Ancient Tree that stands on the banks of the holy wellspring of Ffynon.
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