Disney Magic Kingdoms Versionshistorik


Fördjupa dig i det omfattande arkivet av Disney Magic Kingdoms APK-versioner, med detaljerade anteckningar och kompatibilitetsinformation för var och en av 9-versionshistorikerna som samlats in sedan Nov 5, 2024. Den här sidan är tillägnad fans som vill utforska utvecklingen av Disney Magic Kingdoms.

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    Swedish (13) Se allt
  • Initial release

Vad är nytt i den senaste versionen av 9.8.0h

The Muppet Show Has Arrived in the Kingdom!

Things are about to get wild! Join Dr. Bunsen and Beaker's wacky experiments, laugh with Fozzie Bear, and watch Gonzo pull off daring stunts. Don't forget Pepé the King Prawn—he's bringing the sass! Keep an eye out for the Muppet Mobile Lab, where science and mayhem collide, plus new Attractions and Decorations around every corner. Fun and chaos guaranteed!

Disney Magic Kingdoms APK-versionshistorik

Nedan finns en lista över APK-filversioner för Disney Magic Kingdoms. Observera att nedladdningslänkar för varje version kanske inte är tillgängliga, eller endast tillgängliga efter utvecklarens godkännande.

Disney Magic Kingdoms v9.8.0h
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Disney Magic Kingdoms v8.6.0j
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100 Years of Magic! Celebrate Disney's 100th anniversary with commemorative new Mickey & Minnie Mouse costumes! Our Beloved Wizard Is Now Playable!
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Disney Magic Kingdoms v8.1.1
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Disney & Pixar's Inside Out has arrived! With Sadness in charge of Dream Duty, she receives word that Joy has traveled to Riley’s subconscious to confront her fear of Jangles the Clown, and soon realizes that Joy is in over her head.
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Disney Magic Kingdoms v7.6.0
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Don't Just Fly, Soar! Welcome Mr.
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Disney Magic Kingdoms v7.1.0
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Adventure is out there!<br> <br> Carl finally cracks open the last cargo crate from the
Disney Magic Kingdoms v6.7.0
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Disney Magic Kingdoms v6.2.1
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101 Dalmatians has finally arrived in the Kingdom! Get ready to welcome memorable characters along with unique attractions and concessions inspired by the film: New Characters
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Disney Magic Kingdoms v5.8.4
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SEEK THE LIGHT! The river is treacherous...
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Disney Magic Kingdoms v5.3.0
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GET YOUR GROOVE ON Boom, baby! It's all about Kuzco. Join characters from The Emperor's New Groove in a new drama llama-filled addition to the Kingdom Quest storyline!
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Disney Magic Kingdoms v4.3.0
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RELAX WITH THE PRINCESSES: IT’S TIME TO GET COMFY! Rapunzel and Snow White are getting brand-new Comfy costumes from Ralph Breaks the Internet!
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