Football Strike Versionshistorik

Fördjupa dig i det omfattande arkivet av Football Strike APK-versioner, med detaljerade anteckningar och kompatibilitetsinformation för var och en av 9-versionshistorikerna som samlats in sedan Oct 8, 2024. Den här sidan är tillägnad fans som vill utforska utvecklingen av Football Strike.

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    Swedish (8) Se allt
  • Initial release

Vad är nytt i den senaste versionen av 1.51.0

• New Home Page: We’re about to kick off a fresh new look for the home page. Get ready for a more intuitive and engaging experience that puts you right in the game.

• Anniversary Cup: Celebrate 7 years of football action with our Anniversary Cup! Compete in a thrilling win-streak tournament and claim exclusive rewards.

• Bug Fixes: We’ve been hard at work tackling various bugs to enhance game stability. Enjoy smoother gameplay and a flawless match experience as you dive into the action!

Football Strike APK-versionshistorik

Nedan finns en lista över APK-filversioner för Football Strike. Observera att nedladdningslänkar för varje version kanske inte är tillgängliga, eller endast tillgängliga efter utvecklarens godkännande.

Football Strike v1.51.0
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Football Strike v1.45.1
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• Daily Competitions are coming: Join our daily showdown with ever-changing rules! Conquer matches or collect coins to climb the leaderboard! • Dive into the spooktacular Halloween Season!
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Football Strike v1.43.2
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Get ready for the final stage of the football season and become a CHAMPION with a brand new feature for players of all skill levels: TEAM TOURNAMENTS! 1.
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Football Strike v1.41.0
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Football Strike v1.38.0
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Football Strike v1.34.2
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Football Strike v1.31.0
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Football Strike v1.28.0
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Football Strike v1.25.0
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• Play the Back to Score Season Pass and 3 Year Anniversary Cup event throughout September and October; • The Back to Score Season Pass launches on 25/09 and includes an exclusive pair of football boots, a thematic tattoo artwork, a VIP ball trail and many other rewards; • The 3 Year Anniversary Cup event will take place in mid-October along a VIP Pass, giving you unlimited shots, an Exclusive Jersey, VIP Bags and several other prizes;
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Football Strike v1.21.0
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• Instantly unlock Season Pass Tiers with Cash this Champions Season launching 07/04 • Get a fair prize distribution in every country’s leaderboard, according to the local number of players • Get free rewards with the new extra Card in Basic Bags by watching short video ads - not available to all players
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