Glow Baby Tracker & Growth App är a medicin-appen utvecklad av Glow. Den senaste uppdateringen, v3.13, släpptes på August 15, 2024, och den har fått betyget 4.38 av 5 baserat på de senaste recensionerna av 55. Glow Baby Tracker & Growth App är GRATIS och kräver iOS 15.0+ och Android 14 eller senare för att laddas ner.
Video: Glow Baby Tracker & Growth App Översikt
Introducing Glow Baby - the ultimate AI-powered baby tracker and parenting app that covers all aspects of your baby's development.
Hur man använder Glow Baby Tracker & Growth App på din PC eller Mac
Vill du njuta av Glow Baby Tracker & Growth App på ditt skrivbord? Ladda ner den senaste APK-filen (3.13, 325 MB) eller välj din föredragna version och följ vår Bluestacks emulator guide för enkel installation på Windows eller macOS. För all hjälp med att ladda ner eller installera APK-filer, besök gärna vårt forum!
Användarrecensioner och betyg
★★★★★What every data dad wantd
No more guessing when the last poo was or which boob did what when.
The app is super easy to use and you dont need the premium version to get lots of value out of it
★★★★☆Good but needs improvements
Lots of fake accounts and crazy dog obsessed people for a pregnancy/baby app. Jesus Christ a dog is not a child. And as much as you would like to pretend to is not like you can birth one.... separate de apps from each other
★★★★★Amazing app!
Super wonderful app and has a lot of great features for tracking newborn activities! We have tried a lot of other newborn apps and we were unsatisfied until we came across Glow! Highly recommended and it definitely help with a pretty interface!
★★★★★Nice also the free version
I didn’t try the payed version, but the free one s intuitive and really useful to keep track of the log and share it with your partner.
★★★★☆Buggy app on iPhone
Registering things in the app is fine, but you're not able to look at them most of the time.
It doesn't sync and is bugging a lot unfortunately. It usually shows that our daughter have been born as the most recent activity and sometimes it shows over 1.5 weeks old data.. And sometimes if you're lucky it shows today's activities.