IFretless Bass är a musik-appen utvecklad av Mani Consulting Limited Company. Den senaste uppdateringen, v4.00, släpptes på June 26, 2024, och den har fått betyget 5.00 av 5 baserat på de senaste recensionerna av 2. IFretless Bass kostar $199 och kräver iOS 11.0+ och Android 10 eller senare för att laddas ner.
Video: IFretless Bass Översikt
iFretless Bass is a professional virtual instrument that provides bass and guitar players with an expressive fretless playing surface.
Hur man använder IFretless Bass på din PC eller Mac
Vill du njuta av IFretless Bass på ditt skrivbord? Ladda ner den senaste APK-filen (4.00, 150 MB) eller välj din föredragna version och följ vår Bluestacks emulator guide för enkel installation på Windows eller macOS. För all hjälp med att ladda ner eller installera APK-filer, besök gärna vårt forum!
Användarrecensioner och betyg
This is an excellent app for natural sounding bass. Very playable. Also, it is a really nice midi-controller for other apps too, and it sits very well in my iOS music creation setup. This, together with DrumPerfect, means I have a very realistic rhythm section.
★★★★★Wonderfull until!
I did not believe my ears when I first played so big and clear,hypersensetive so that a whole new approach too the instrument is needed, took a while too adapt (i still only use the ip5). Now,howewer, whith the latest version I can not drag the settings menu(it does not respond,and I can not get more than 4strings on the screen! Is it the version? In that case,is it possible to get the older version back? Thanks for your brilliant apps!!
★★★★★Tha best!
I have to admit I was a bit reluctant because of the price but now I have all of them. So good I find myself smiling every time I start playing one.