Legends of Runeterra är ett a spel kort-spel utvecklat av Riot Games. Den senaste uppdateringen, v5.10, släpptes på October 08, 2024, och den har fått betyget 4.76 av 5 baserat på de senaste recensionerna av 1.4K. Legends of Runeterra är GRATIS och kräver iOS 13.0+ och Android 12 eller senare för att laddas ner.
Legends of Runeterra Spelöversikt
In this strategy card game, skill defines your success—not luck. Mix and match iconic champions, allies, and regions of Runeterra to unlock unique card synergies and outplay your opponent.
Hur man spelar Legends of Runeterra på PC eller Mac
Vill du njuta av Legends of Runeterra på ditt skrivbord? Ladda ner den senaste APK-filen (5.10, 179 MB) eller välj din föredragna version och följ vår Bluestacks emulator guide för enkel installation på Windows eller macOS. För all hjälp med att ladda ner eller installera APK-filer, besök gärna vårt forum!
Updated review since Riot now has officially ended support for iOS12 devices. It works flawlessly on my other devices.
Spelat Hearthstone sedan 2014 och slösat säkert 1000 spänn, har en bråkdel av alla kort. Spelat LoR sedan april och har näst intill alla kort.
Allt i allo - ett grymt spel med bra fokus på användarvänlighet och dev-players kommunikation. 5/5, måste kunna engelska så kanske inte passande för barn, men för alla över 13 är detta SPELET att spela.
★★★★★Super fun!
I’ve played hearthstone before but eventually quit because of the constant need to buy new packs. I’ve spent waaaaay too much money on that game and the cards keeps rotating out (meaning you couldn’t use them in standard anymore). This game on the other hand has interaction and is completely viable to play for free (you earn cards super fast!). Super good and fun, way better than hearthstone.
★★★★☆Good game, bad balancing
The live balance team is really bad at providing a pleasant gaming experience. Every balance patch something will be buffed beyond broken - in a live competitive environment. They are rushing to get new cards out, that gets increasingly imbalanced stats and make old cards that were great and well balanced just look stupid. Still, the game is a lot of fun, I want to give it 5 star and will once they clear their stinking track record.
★★★★★Best card game to date
Combat system, animations, art, lore. Everything is superior to the precious card games that I’ve played before.
Also business model. You can pay for just cosmetics and you can choose which one to buy! No more of those loot boxes! You can even buy the exact card you need if/when you want! No need to buy ridiculously overpriced packs and pray to get your legendary card or at least enough dust to craft it!
Keywords can be a bit overwhelming but there are in game tutorials which grant both exp