Pocket Rogues: Ultimate Versionshistorik
Fördjupa dig i det omfattande arkivet av Pocket Rogues: Ultimate APK-versioner, med detaljerade anteckningar och kompatibilitetsinformation för var och en av 10-versionshistorikerna som samlats in sedan Sep 22, 2024. Den här sidan är tillägnad fans som vill utforska utvecklingen av Pocket Rogues: Ultimate.
- Paketnamncom.EtherGaming.PocketRoguesUltimate
- Innehållsklassificering12+
- språkSwedish (3) Se allt
- Initial release2017-11-30
Vad är nytt i den senaste versionen av 1.37.1
- Added 4 new artifacts
- An additional 30 types of monsters are now available for daily "Hunting" quests
- New tips have been added to the loading screen
- Tooltips for damage and defense types have been edited
- In the character's stats in the dungeon, the specific damage absorption value is now displayed next to each type of defense (in the case of physical defense, this value is averaged for all types of physical damage)
- The mention of duration has been removed from temporary effect descriptions (now it is displayed next to the effect's name)
- The defense point threshold required to reach 90% reduction in physical damage has been halved and is now closer to the values before update 1.37. Each unit of physical armor is now more effective (this also applies to enemies)
- Each upgrade to the pet's defense additionally increases its resistance to all types of magical and elemental damage by 1%
- Updated resistance parameters for different types of damage for pets, as well as defense types
- Reduced the impact of level on the max HP of all creatures
- Reduced the impact of level on the max HP of high-level bosses and monster champions
- Reduced damage and max HP for all types of Statue-Guardians
- Monster enhancements such as "Ancient," "Explosive," and others now significantly less reduce the combat speed of creatures
- Creatures with the "Vampirism" effect can no longer heal by attacking undead or mechanisms
- All creatures that become "shadows" are now considered undead
- Increased the delay between damage ticks for the "Fire Breath" and "Steel Whirlwind" skills; however, the delay before the first damage tick for these skills has been reduced
- Reduced the initial attack area for "Steel Whirlwind" (from 175% to 150% at level 12) and "Crimson Harvest" (from +3% per level to +2% in uncharged form and from +8% per level to +4% per level in charged form), and reduced the bonus to the area for "Battle Madness" for killing an enemy (from 4% to 3%)
- Slightly increased the range of the "Breath of Death" skill (from 5 to 6 meters)
- The "Disease Suppression" effect is now stronger (reduces the duration of negative effects by 20% instead of 15%); the effect icon has been changed
- Skills such as "Barrier," "Vow of Sanctity," and others now do not directly alter the MP regeneration modifier upon use (previously, the higher your MP regen in a normal state, the faster it depleted when using these skills), but instead reduce it by a specific amount. Now, with a sufficiently high MP regen value (thanks to Mind and items), mana can recover even while using these skills
- Any hit taken while using "Barrier" now consumes at least 2 MP
- Updated the skills tied to many types of weapons, and for some, the target attribute upon skill replacement has been changed
- Effects that increase the attack area (e.g., the 'Coil of Rope' artifact) now apply to skills that attack in a straight line ('Breath of Death,' Hunter's lunges)
- The effect of the 'Spark of Restoration' equipment has received a more detailed description; its effectiveness has been increased (from +0.2 HP/s to +0.3)
- Weapon speed and character Agility did not affect the frequency of periodic damage from skills like "Fire Breath," "Steel Whirlwind," and "Breath of Death"
- Triggering a trap rune that summons Captured Souls in a narrow corridor could cause the game to crash
- Fixed vibration when playing with a gamepad and on mobile devices
- The 'Steel Whirlwind' skill did not deal damage at level 7
- The "Barrier" skill did not display the property of dealing damage upon deactivation, which is unlocked at level 25
Pocket Rogues: Ultimate APK-versionshistorik
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