Pro Camera by Moment är a foto och video-appen utvecklad av Moment. Den senaste uppdateringen, v5.60, släpptes på October 05, 2024, och den har fått betyget 4.38 av 5 baserat på de senaste recensionerna av 119. Pro Camera by Moment kostar $119 och kräver iOS 15.0+ och Android 14 eller senare för att laddas ner.
Video: Pro Camera by Moment Översikt
Pro Camera by Moment is the manual camera app that gives you full creative control and professional-level performance, all at an affordable price.
Hur man använder Pro Camera by Moment på din PC eller Mac
Vill du njuta av Pro Camera by Moment på ditt skrivbord? Ladda ner den senaste APK-filen (5.60, 122 MB) eller välj din föredragna version och följ vår Bluestacks emulator guide för enkel installation på Windows eller macOS. För all hjälp med att ladda ner eller installera APK-filer, besök gärna vårt forum!
Användarrecensioner och betyg
★★★★★Really love it.
Just wondering is there’s a way to change pictures to 16:9 ratio?
Awesome app. 👌
★★★☆☆Too slow to change camera.
Changing camera is currently just way too sluggish.
The design of having a single button to switch between three cameras is inefficient, and gets annoying very quickly.
Why are there no dedicated buttons for each camera?
There’s plenty UI space for it.
But also, the time it takes for the app to do the actual camera switching is very slow compared to most other camera apps. Feels like some optimization is needed.
★★★☆☆Feels great from a first glance
I tried for a video with a mirroring function to my Mac: and it not working properly unfortunately:
1. The sounds go with big delay after video
2. Mirroring feature in not rotating the screen like it does with default camera
3. Mirroring goes with huge delay
Feels like it’s great app, but not yet reliable for a video production in my setup