Solitaire by MobilityWare Versionshistorik


Fördjupa dig i det omfattande arkivet av Solitaire by MobilityWare APK-versioner, med detaljerade anteckningar och kompatibilitetsinformation för var och en av 9-versionshistorikerna som samlats in sedan May 18, 2020. Den här sidan är tillägnad fans som vill utforska utvecklingen av Solitaire by MobilityWare.

Mer information
  • Paketnamn
  • Innehållsklassificering
  • språk
    Swedish (11) Se allt
  • Initial release

Vad är nytt i den senaste versionen av 6.6.0

* Looking for a new way to challenge yourself each day? Try out the all new daily goals feature to earn bonus experience!
* Please note the daily goals feature unlocks after reaching a certain level.
* Try out an all new card face which can be set by going to your options menu!
* More supported languages!

Solitaire by MobilityWare APK-versionshistorik

Nedan finns en lista över APK-filversioner för Solitaire by MobilityWare. Observera att nedladdningslänkar för varje version kanske inte är tillgängliga, eller endast tillgängliga efter utvecklarens godkännande.

Solitaire by MobilityWare v6.6.0
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Solitaire by MobilityWare v6.2.0
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Fun Features have been added including: - New Setting: Quick Play - New exclusive card back, awarded for downloading Castle Solitaire by MobilityWare Numerous small bug fixes and updates to improve your gameplay experience!
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Solitaire by MobilityWare v6.1.1
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Fun Features have been added including: - Multitasking - Levels and Titles - Hold Undo to undo repeatedly - New Setting: Skip Winning Animations
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Solitaire by MobilityWare v6.1.0
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Fun Features have been added including: - Multitasking - Levels and Titles - Hold Undo to undo repeatedly - New Setting: Skip Winning Animations
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Solitaire by MobilityWare v6.0.6
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New Fun Features have been added including: - A whole new look for toolbars and buttons in the main screen layout - Winning Deals slider added - Card Spots can be turned off in Settings Updates and fixes to improve your gameplay experience including:
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Solitaire by MobilityWare v6.0.5
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Updates and fixes to improve your gameplay experience including: - Return of the Status Bar - Fixes a bug that could cause Game Center login to appear - Fixes a bug that might cause Vegas Cumulative score to be lost - Cards improved on tablet
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Solitaire by MobilityWare v6.0.4
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Updates and fixes to improve your gameplay experience including: - Return of the Status Bar - Fixes a bug that could cause Game Center login to appear - Fixes a bug that might cause Vegas Cumulative score to be lost - Cards improved on tablet
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Solitaire by MobilityWare v6.0.2
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New Fun Features have been added including: - iPhone X layout - Multiplayer redesigned - better match-making, avatars, new visuals - New tips and Fun Facts on the Loading screen - Elegant new look for all menus and in-game pop-ups
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Solitaire by MobilityWare v5.1.2
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Solitaire fans, thank you for your continued support! If you love Solitaire, please take a moment to leave us a review. We’ve created new features for you to enjoy: DAILY CHALLENGE CALENDAR THEMES
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