Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game Versionshistorik

Murka Contracting Limited

Fördjupa dig i det omfattande arkivet av Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game APK-versioner, med detaljerade anteckningar och kompatibilitetsinformation för var och en av 10-versionshistorikerna som samlats in sedan Sep 25, 2024. Den här sidan är tillägnad fans som vill utforska utvecklingen av Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game.

Mer information
  • Paketnamn
  • Innehållsklassificering
  • språk
    Swedish (1) Se allt
  • Initial release

Vad är nytt i den senaste versionen av 4.64.3

Hello Folks, this update includes:
- Technical improvements
- Bug fixes
Relax with the Solitaire Deluxe® 2.
The Murka Team

Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game APK-versionshistorik

Nedan finns en lista över APK-filversioner för Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game. Observera att nedladdningslänkar för varje version kanske inte är tillgängliga, eller endast tillgängliga efter utvecklarens godkännande.

Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game v4.64.3
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Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game v4.50.0
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Hello Folks, this update includes: - Technical improvements - Bug Fix Relax with the Solitaire Deluxe® 2. The Murka Team
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Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game v4.45.0
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Hello Folks, this update includes: - Bug fixes and tech improvements. Relax with the Solitaire Deluxe® 2. The Murka Team
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Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game v4.41.0
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Hello Folks, this update includes: - Bug fixes and tech improvements. Relax with the Solitaire Deluxe
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Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game v4.37.1
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Hello Folks, this update includes: - Bug fixes and gameplay optimization. Relax with the Solitaire Deluxe
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Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game v4.32.0
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You will soon be able to choose from individual countries, rather than just "The World"! Update now to see how you compare!
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Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game v4.22.1
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What's new with Solitaire Deluxe
Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game v4.20.0
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What's new with Solitaire Deluxe® 2?: - Added Sign in with Apple functionality! - Updated Player Card animations! - Fixed an issue that caused some leaderboard players to show up as Facebook User.
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Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game v4.15.0
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What's new with Solitaire Deluxe® 2?: - Improved playability and faster load times! - Fixed and issue that caused certain users to hang on the splash screen. - More winnable deals than ever before!
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Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game v4.13.0.2
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What's new with Solitaire Deluxe® 2?: - Due to popular demand: Klondike “Flip One 2x” has become “Flip One Unlimited”! Enjoy single card classic solitaire with no deck restrictions! - New in-game timer!
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Solitaire Deluxe 2: Card Game v4.11.0
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What's new with Solitaire Deluxe® 2?: - Due to popular demand: Klondike “Flip One 2x” has become “Flip One Unlimited”! Enjoy single card classic solitaire with no deck restrictions! - New in-game timer!
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