Star Traders: Frontiers Versionshistorik

Trese Brothers

Fördjupa dig i det omfattande arkivet av Star Traders: Frontiers APK-versioner, med detaljerade anteckningar och kompatibilitetsinformation för var och en av 9-versionshistorikerna som samlats in sedan Oct 26, 2024. Den här sidan är tillägnad fans som vill utforska utvecklingen av Star Traders: Frontiers.

Mer information
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  • språk
    Swedish (1) Se allt
  • Initial release

Vad är nytt i den senaste versionen av 3.4.11

- New Ship: "Degla Heavylift" (9000M Heavy Transport)
- New Component: Armored Cargo Hold 3
- Further increased drop rate for "Zendu Relic" Explorer card
- Increased drop rate for Uncover Contact Network (1 Contact + All Links)
- Battle Prow 8 now adds +3 Ship Weapon Initiative
- Further fixes for logging issues with ship component damage
- Fixes for "Alistar Huntress" component loadouts
- Fixes for Large Hanger and high Medical Ratings
- Fixes for Large Hanger ship combat buffs
- Fixes for Armored Bulkheads 6

Star Traders: Frontiers APK-versionshistorik

Nedan finns en lista över APK-filversioner för Star Traders: Frontiers. Observera att nedladdningslänkar för varje version kanske inte är tillgängliga, eller endast tillgängliga efter utvecklarens godkännande.

Star Traders: Frontiers v3.4.11
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Star Traders: Frontiers v3.3.69
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Official Discord: Support e-mail: v3.3.69 - Improved Talent Displays: Added Cooldown to Explore, Orbit, Ship Combat
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Star Traders: Frontiers v3.3.41
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- New 9000 Mass Battlecarrier, the Acheron - Balanced "M101 Tracker Cannon" adding +7% Craft Defense - L2 Xeno Autocannon adds "Miasmatic Death Haze" granting +3% Craft Defense - Added a new "Reactor Accident" Salvage Result Card (-5) - The "Web of Conspiracy" Card is now twice as common (because it is fun)
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Star Traders: Frontiers v3.3.25
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- During Pirate and Xeno Quadrant Rumors, Black Market confiscation risk reduced by 50% - Reduced the chances of "Deadly Encounter" card being drawn in Black Market - Substantially improved Black Market odds during Spice Festival, Xeno Fleet Rumors - Increased XP bonus when Trait Conditioning Cards cannot be triggered - New Level 5 Military Salvage Gear: Hexbolt Injector (Init Bonus Gear)
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Star Traders: Frontiers v3.3.3
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- Added new Captain Scores to track highest value Exchange and Black Market trades of your career - Added new Captain Scores to track Exchange and Black Market trades over $50K and $500K - Fixed wrong Attributes for Wing Commando's Traits
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Star Traders: Frontiers v3.2.31
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- Added 2 new outfits<br> - Skip Intro option is always shown in New Game regardless of save counts
Star Traders: Frontiers v3.2.5
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- Improved Trade Ban warning (location, icon, red text) - Lose up to 2 Rep when illegal cargo is seized, offset by legal permit-protected cargo - Fixed Bribe option text for Independents to be more clear - Reduced spawn rate of "Jyeeta Maeledictor" in mix of Jyeeta ships - Increased Price of Battle Barracks, Added Armor+Shields+VoidRes
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Star Traders: Frontiers v3.1.45
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- Added 7 new ultra rare level 10 Relic Weapons (Slazah Falchion, Ki-Karat Sah, Paratitan HG, Retaliation Roar, Otrike Domer, Solar Dragoon, AX2 Advadnium) - Added 4 new level 5 Gear for sale (2 Mil, 2 Specialist) -- defensive, offensive, Attribute boosters - Rebalanced all Snubbers to trade small percentage of weapon Accuracy for some weapon Parry - Improved application of Negotiate Skill in Merchant's Talent "Garner Favor" to give more even better Rep bonuses - Renamed buff bonus "Parry" to "Melee Defense" and "Dodge" to "Ranged Defense" for clarity
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Star Traders: Frontiers v1.0.105
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- Fixes issue with wormhole navigation that was introduced in v3.0.103<br> - Fixes reported crashes
Star Traders: Frontiers v3.0.53
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- Added two new ship components, Peak Velocity Matrix 2 and 3, rebalanced existing Peak Velocity Matrix - Added note to description of orbital ops and exploration components -- "does not stack, damaged on use" to clarify rules - Rebalanced ship weapons and increased costs at Level 5 and 6 - Recruiting and Dismissing recruits now takes a few hours (1 Turn) each - Adjusted prices on short, mid and long distance missions
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