Street Kart #1 Go Kart Game Versionshistorik
Fördjupa dig i det omfattande arkivet av Street Kart #1 Go Kart Game APK-versioner, med detaljerade anteckningar och kompatibilitetsinformation för var och en av 9-versionshistorikerna som samlats in sedan Oct 23, 2024. Den här sidan är tillägnad fans som vill utforska utvecklingen av Street Kart #1 Go Kart Game.
- Innehållsklassificering4+
- språkSwedish (1) Se allt
- Initial release2019-08-03
Vad är nytt i den senaste versionen av 1.8.1
In this MAJOR update: New Racing Prodigy ESPORTS events. SIX months of events, SIX GOLDEN Tickets for SIX Racers to become Professional Racing Drivers. Starting at Atlanta Motorsports Park in October.
Welcome to Street Kart Racing. We're a small, independent developer determined to give you the most competitive, exciting, real racing experience on iOS. We rely hugely on your feedback and ratings to help improve the game and support further development. Please join the SK Community on and follow us on for updates from the dev team and the SK Community.
- Prodigy Racing League: SEASON 2. Six GOLDEN TICKETS to have the chance to become Professional Paid Racing Drivers.
- Improvements to cadet flow
- No RELEGATION from X30 to TKM
- Removal of the SKD requirement to boost up to X30 - just the correct number of points will now get you promoted.
VERSION 1.17.13
- Touch Steering improvements
- Reduced In-Race Control Lag - improvements for some players
- July Daily X-Tier Multiplayer Events
- Cadets Rewind Feature in Championship Events
- Preparation for new Epoch 4 features including NEW Carburettors for X30 and above
- Further new karts preparation for Epoch 4: CRG and BirelART 2024 karts for developer testing
VERSION 1.17.12
- Fixes to the new Google Ad Consent Permissions - you can now go to SETTINGS and adjust your Ad Consent settings
- In-Race Ads at Wackersdorf - major lag fixes/improvements
- Multiplayer improvements and fixes (phase 1)
- Cadets in-race improvements and User Experience including initial support for a rewind feature during the Cadets Tutorial
- Epoch 4 preparation
- Preparation for TWO new chassis - CRG 2024 and BirelART 2024
VERSION 1.7.10
- Brand New Track: Atlanta Motorsports Park
- Last TWO Golden Tickets to Race for Team SK in Atlanta
- Easter Aces Kart Wars X30 - CRG vs BirelART
- Easter Aces Enduro Event
- Bug fixes and updates
Small update to Cadets to allow Racing Prodigy esports events to be accessed sooner.
Racing Prodigy Esports event is live. Win one of FOUR Golden Tickets to Atlanta.
Urgent bug fix for PRJ kart physics plus preparation for our February-April Esports Event.
Improvements to Cadets flow, lags and help for new players.
Some small improvements to 1.7.3 to help with Lag issues for some players.
This version is designed to help new players get in to the beauty of SK more easily and become part of the SK family.
- Brand new Assisted Braking in Cadets
- New flow in Cadets
- Christmas Special Event Karts including the 'Arrow Croc', 'Arrow Roo' and 'Australia' special liveries for TKM, X30, PRJ
- NEW ARROW X6 karts for our next Special Event
- Supernats Preparation as a future Special Event
- Behind the scenes preparation for our first RACE PASS $ prize event
- Shortened play loop
- Much quicker and improved Cadets introduction
- PRJ larger additional tyre/fuel offers with
- Given the massive extra numbers of players (over 400k over the last few months) we've introduced ads to help with additional server costs
- Behind the scenes preparation for in-game chat and broadcast mode
- Improvements to prevent lags and speed up flow
Street Kart #1 Go Kart Game APK-versionshistorik
Nedan finns en lista över APK-filversioner för Street Kart #1 Go Kart Game. Observera att nedladdningslänkar för varje version kanske inte är tillgängliga, eller endast tillgängliga efter utvecklarens godkännande.
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