The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth är ett a spel action-spel utvecklat av Nicalis. Den senaste uppdateringen, v1.40, släpptes på January 29, 2024, och den har fått betyget 4.56 av 5 baserat på de senaste recensionerna av 48. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth kostar $199 och kräver iOS 16.0+ och Android 15 eller senare för att laddas ner.
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Spelöversikt
"When Isaac’s mother starts hearing the voice of God demanding a sacrifice be made to prove her faith, Isaac escapes into the basement, where he faces droves of deranged enemies, lost brothers and sisters, his fears and eventually his mother.
Hur man spelar The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth på PC eller Mac
Vill du njuta av The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth på ditt skrivbord? Ladda ner den senaste APK-filen (1.40, 3 GB) eller välj din föredragna version och följ vår Bluestacks emulator guide för enkel installation på Windows eller macOS. För all hjälp med att ladda ner eller installera APK-filer, besök gärna vårt forum!
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and did i Menton yes cuz yes yes yes yes
Bästa spelet till iPhone, utan tvekan värt pengarna!
★★★★★Good game
This is one of the best games I’ve played on the iphone for a while. Buy it!
★★★★☆Truly great port
If you've played and loved The Binding of Isaac on PC, then you're gonna LOVE this game. To be able to play it whenever I want is awesome!
The controls takes a few runs to get used to, but they aree totally playable.
The only reason it's not a five star for me is the lack of love from the developers. Where's Afterbirth and Afterbirth+? I don't expect to get them for free - please let me pay for them. I'd love to!
Anyway, Rebirth is an awesome game and the developers did a lovely job with this
★★★★★Time for an uppdate
It’s i great game but it’s time for an uppdate, when i shoot tears with isaac he keeps shooting at the direcrion i shot at before and dosen’t stop until i move the”shooting” pad to the center, and sometimes when i start up a game it keeps loading forever, this has happend to me and some of my friends too