Tsuki Adventure är ett a spel underhållning-spel utvecklat av HyperBeard. Den senaste uppdateringen, v1.22, släpptes på September 21, 2022, och den har fått betyget 4.44 av 5 baserat på de senaste recensionerna av 198. Tsuki Adventure är GRATIS och kräver iOS 10.0+ och Android 9 eller senare för att laddas ner.
Tsuki Adventure Spelöversikt
Travel to the countryside and enjoy a relaxing game in Tsuki Adventure. Harvest carrots from the farm, meet new animal friends and enjoy a simple life with Tsuki. Tsuki was lonely.
Vill du njuta av Tsuki Adventure på ditt skrivbord? Ladda ner den senaste APK-filen (1.22, 696 MB) eller välj din föredragna version och följ vår Bluestacks emulator guide för enkel installation på Windows eller macOS. För all hjälp med att ladda ner eller installera APK-filer, besök gärna vårt forum!
Best and cutest game ever! Tsuki is super cute, a little chubby rabbit ahah. I love to buy a ticket and get on the train or the bus! I love that Tsuki can talk to other animals and do activites. Btw the toys you can collect is super cute, even if Tsuki cant use them (wish Tsuki could play with them.) When your not in the game and you get in the game he often do something like: Relax, hang with friends or something else :D I LOVE THE GAME AND I NEVER GET TIRED OF IT♡
★★★☆☆Really good game but BIG PROBLEM
honestly it’s a really good game nice music, interesting characters BEAUTIFUL art. But one BUG/PROBLEM is that basically I went to the big city right? And all when’d good until I want to go back to mushroom village and NOW I CANNOT GO BACK. So please get back to me as soon as possible.
From a loving player that’s eager to play some more
★★★★☆Cute game
It’s a pretty fun game, but how do you return from the city to the mushroom village? Been stuck there for a few days ;-;
Det var bra men det enda Tsuki gör e att äta nudlar