WeatherBug – Weather Forecast är a väder-appen utvecklad av WeatherBug. Den senaste uppdateringen, v5.98, släpptes på October 29, 2024, och den har fått betyget 4.55 av 5 baserat på de senaste recensionerna av 279. WeatherBug – Weather Forecast är GRATIS och kräver iOS 15.0+ och Android 14 eller senare för att laddas ner.
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Användarrecensioner och betyg
★★☆☆☆Not yet
If you could switch between celcius and fahrenheit, and mph and meter per second, this app would rock! but atm. it's way to immature to be of any use for most europeans.. :(
★★★☆☆Great application, but Metrics system support is needed as well
I like this application very much. But, for a person who are familiar with Celsius and Meters per Second, values appearing as Farenheit and Miles per Hour makes it quite difficult to use. OK, you could always convert them yourself, but that's what we use computers for, don't we? :-)
This app really needs a switch to metric. Shouldnt be to hard to implement.
★★★☆☆Good but could be improved..
For a free app, its neat! Conditions Screen is best :)
But could improve in:
* Swtichable units C/F
* Satellite view doesnt move automatically sometimes when scrolling cities
* Cant add more than 3 stations?
★★★☆☆Not to bad
The Fahrenheit/Celsius and wind issue has been mentioned. Shouldn't be to difficult to fix in an update, right? Anyway, a cool app, I like it and will use it when updated.