Top 18 Apps Like Cry Analyzer - baby translator for iOS and Android
Looking for apps like Cry Analyzer - baby translator? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. Cry Analyzer alternatives are mostly medical Apps but may also be health & fitness Apps.
There are 18 apps similar to Cry Analyzer available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. Psychological Symptom Analyzer is the best alternative. Other Cry Analyzer like apps are ECG+ | Analyzer for QTc & HRV, Blood Oxygen Level: Analyzer, BabyTime Baby Feeding Timer, and Enfamil Rewards: Baby Tracker®. All of the best 2025 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.
Cry Analyzer Alternative Apps

Psychological Symptom Analyzer - select, analyze & view
PSA is an application that helps you diagnose a mental disorder in a new way. You simply have to select the symptoms that are present by tapping on them.

ECG+ | Analyzer for QTc & HRV - Insights of your heart health
ECG+ integrates with Apple Health to unleash the greatest power of your Apple Watch ECG, by analyzing and calculating intervals like QT/QTc, PR or QRS, and heart rate variability (HRV) out of your ECG data.

Blood Oxygen Level: Analyzer - O2, pulse calculator: Tracker
Do you want to control your physical activity? Or maybe a pilot or a climber came to our page? In any case, it would be easier for you to track your oxygen with our help.

BabyTime Baby Feeding Timer - Breastfeeding & More
BabyTime helps you track nursing, bottle, sleep, diapers and pumping all from a single screen with one tap, then view charts so that you can spot trends and settle into good routines.

Enfamil Rewards: Baby Tracker® - Baby Formula Tips and Coupons
Enfamil Family Beginnings® has been around a lot of babies. We've seen it all, learned a lot and loved every minute of it.

Glow: Track. Shop. Growth. - Milestone, Pumping, Baby Sleep
Introducing Glow Baby - the ultimate AI-powered baby tracker and parenting app that covers all aspects of your baby's development.

Cry Translator
Now, you can easily figure out what your baby needs with the Cry Translator.

yCry : baby cries translator - A.I. Baby's Cries Analyzer
yCry uses A.I.

Nanni AI: Your Baby Translator - Baby Cry Translator & Tracker
THE one-stop baby & parenting app, Nanni AI combines our medically-trained baby cry translator with a smart baby tracker, a milestone log and our expert chat assistant on all things newborn.

Baby Health: Crying test - Identify baby's pathologies
Welcome to BabyHealth, this app works with Artificial Intelligence to recognize a pathology from a neonate baby (up to 28 days after birth) through the sound of crying.
Best Medical Apps Like Cry Analyzer

L'app SaluteLazio permette di consultare in maniera geolocalizzata le strutture presenti nella Regione Lazio più vicine a te: Drive In, Pronto Soccorso, ambulatori pediatrici, ambulatori di cure primarie, centri vaccinali, Case della Salute, Guardia medica, Farmacie (Roma e provincia).

Quiz Medicina 2021 - Premium
Vuoi scoprire se la tua preparazione ai test di ingresso in medicina e/o professioni sanitarie sta dando i suoi frutti? Scarica questa app ed esercitati rispondendo ai quesiti sulle varie tematiche d'esame.

Anatomía & Fisiología - Intro to Human Body Systems
Conquer those tough anatomy topics! Put aside the textbook, the lab specimens, or plastic 3D models and jump into an immersive 3D experience.

STIKO@rki - die neu gestaltete Impf-App für ÄrztInnen und Gesundheitsfachpersonal Die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) am Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) entwickelt Impfempfehlungen für Deutschland, die auch Grundlage für die Schutzimpfungsrichtlinie des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses sind.
Best Health & Fitness Apps Like Cry Analyzer

Dagliga droppar mindfulness
*** En av de bästa mindfulnessapparna enligt Free (2012) *** "En bra samling kortare övningar. Den lugna rösten som guidar levererar." Tidningen Free (Nr 5, 2012)

Daily Water Pro - Water Reminder and Counter
We all know that water is essential to our health, 2/3 of body is consists of water, yet most of us unknowingly suffer from chronic dehydration, this is a underlying cause of many illnesses.

iSteps GPS Pedometer PRO - Step Counter and Walk Tracker
Reliable and easy to use pedometer with GPS route mapping. iSteps GPS Pedometer keeps track of your daily steps and calories burned.

Run Tracker - GPS Fitness Tracking for Runners
Run Tracker is a GPS based tracking app for people who want to keep track of their running fitness goals.
Find your way outside with the 2023 iPhone App of the Year Whether you hike, bike, run, or walk, AllTrails is your companion and guide to the outdoors.