Top 14 Apps Like Emdr 101 for iOS and Android
Looking for apps like Emdr 101? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. Emdr 101 alternatives are mostly medical Apps but may also be health & fitness Apps.
There are 14 apps similar to Emdr 101 available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. EMDR Therapy is the best alternative. Other Emdr 101 like apps are Easy EMDR, iEmdr by christoph-krey, EMDR kit, and Dexcom Follow. All of the best 2025 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.
Emdr 101 Alternative Apps

EMDR Therapy
EMDR Therapy is an app designed to help clinicians treat patients who have been exposed to stressful situations and disturbing events.

Easy EMDR - All-in-One EMDR Solutions
The most customizable EMDR app ever designed is here! Easy EMDR is a complete solution for anyone looking to practice EMDR.

The iEmdr app supports Psychotherapists in their Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapies.

EMDR kit
With this app you can control the EMDR Kit Wireless. This device is used by EMDR professionals in the psychological healthcare sector.

Dexcom Follow - CGM Remote Monitoring
The Dexcom Follow App is part of the Dexcom SHARE® system. Use this app if your loved one is sharing data from their Dexcom CGM app.

Take control of your health information. The new and improved mobile version of your personal health record, powered by FollowMyHealth®, is easy to use and easy to navigate.
Best Medical Apps Like Emdr 101

VOS MÉDICAMENTS ET PRODUITS DE PARAPHARMACIE LIVRÉS CHEZ VOUS EN 30 MINUTES Soignez-vous, sans bouger de chez vous avec Livmed's ! Notre application de livraison de médicaments à domicile disponible chez vous !

miCita previa - Servicio Canario de la Salud
Aplicación para la gestión de citas de Atención Primaria del Servicio Canario de la Salud. Permite solicitar, consultar y anular citas con el médico de familia y enfermería.

STIKO@rki - die neu gestaltete Impf-App für ÄrztInnen und Gesundheitsfachpersonal Die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) am Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) entwickelt Impfempfehlungen für Deutschland, die auch Grundlage für die Schutzimpfungsrichtlinie des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses sind.

CIE-10-ES es el acrónimo de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades 10ª versión, que que corresponde a la traducción al español de las clasificaciones ICD10CM e ICD10PCS.
Best Health & Fitness Apps Like Emdr 101

Get Running - The human 5k running coach.
Want to get fit and feel fantastic? Want to add some fresh air to your exercise? Then Get Running with the best Couch to 5k App!

Be confident that your baby or child is growing at the right pace. This app plots your child's growth curves and calculates exact percentiles using the most authoritative growth reference data.

Stark Stretch
Optimise your results with Stark Stretch! - Be inspired by 83 exercises presented in sharp HD video.

my Moon - tune in your life with the moon and lunar cycles, recommendations and suggestions for each phase of the moon
△ △ △ △ △ my Moon △ △ △ △ △ With myMoon you'll know at any moment in which phase is the moon and you will be given advice based on it.