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Top 16 Apps Like Travel Altimeter & Elevation for iOS and Android

Looking for apps like Travel Altimeter & Elevation? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. Travel Altimeter & Elevation alternatives are mostly navigation Apps but may also be travel Apps.

There are 16 apps similar to Travel Altimeter & Elevation available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. Travel Altimeter & Altitude is the best alternative. Other Travel Altimeter & Elevation like apps are Arrive On Time, Atlas Obscura Travel Guide, Compass & Altimeter, and Altura: Barometric pressure. All of the best 2024 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.

Travel Altimeter & Elevation Alternative Apps

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Travel Altimeter & Altitude - Elevation,Sea Level,Barometer

Navigation | First release: May 31, 2021

View your altitude or elevation on stunning landscapes that adjust with the time of day. The barometer lets you track your altitude changes based on the change of pressure.

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Arrival shows you travel times and helps you to find the best and fastest routes to your favorite locations. You can get turn-by-turn directions in a tap.

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Atlas Obscura Travel Guide - Discover hidden wonders

Navigation | First release: July 10, 2023

Find your adventurous spirit, get off the beaten path and discover unique places to experience near and far, all contributed by Atlas Obscura’s global community of explorers. --- EXPLORE THE MAP

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Compass & Altimeter - Altimeter, Pressure, Weather

Navigation | First release: January 15, 2024

Compass GPS is an application for measuring geographical orientation.

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Altura: Barometric pressure - Altimeter and barometer

Navigation | First release: May 24, 2021

Make weather and fishing predictions with your device's internal barometric pressure sensor. (Compatible with iPhone 6, 6s, 7, 8, X, XS, XR and Plus devices).

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Compass - Coordinates Locator - Elevation・Barometer・Altitude

Navigation | First release: February 01, 2024

Introducing a new look at the compass app, a revolutionary navigation app designed to empower your journeys with cutting-edge features.

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Elevation Tracker

Navigation | First release: January 13, 2024

Elevation Tracker is a fitness tracking app with a particular emphasis on climbing and descending.

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Navigation | First release: January 17, 2024

coolAltitude is easy to use tool designed for IFR pilots to help them with calculations of temperature corrections during ILS (CATI), RNAV/GNSS, VOR and NDB approaches in cold weather.

Best Navigation Apps Like Travel Altimeter & Elevation

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iNavX: Marine Navigation - Sailing & Boating Chartplotter

Navigation | First release: May 29, 2020

Marine navigation is made easy with iNavX - the world's #1 handheld Chartplotter. Access marine charts, maps, weather, AIS and more!

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NH SnoTraveler Trails 2022

Navigation | First release: September 30, 2021

**This purchase allows you to access up-to-date NHSA trail information for the 2021-2022 winter season.

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GPS Kit - Offline GPS Tracker - The original GPS app

Navigation | First release: July 20, 2022

- TIME Magazine’s 15 Fantastic Gadgets “Perfect for hiking or mountain biking.” - “The GPS Kit app... has a number of excellent outdoor uses, especially [for] hiking, biking or geocaching.”

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MyTracks. - GPS Tracker and offline Maps

Navigation | First release: May 26, 2021

MyTracks is an app that helps you keep track of your location using GPS data. It's perfect for various activities like hiking, running, walking, biking, and more.

Best Travel Apps Like Travel Altimeter & Elevation

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PeakFinder AR - The mountains are calling‪!‬

Travel | First release: July 05, 2020

The mountains are calling!

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Казань аудио-путеводитель

Travel | First release: August 31, 2021

ОФФЛАЙН ПУТЕВОДИТЕЛЬ С АУДИОГИДОМ ПО КАЗАНИ 1000Guides - лучшее для самостоятельных путешествий !

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Travel | First release: April 17, 2021

What is OSCAR? As a guide, OSCAR is finally shedding light on the darkness.

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American Airlines

Travel | First release: May 21, 2021

With the American Airlines app, you’re covered with the information you need exactly when you need it.

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