10 Positive Benutzerbewertungen für Model 15 Modular Synthesizer
Unbelievable sound, great app to learn synthesis
Bought this app to learn synthesis, I was not disappointed. Resources on the web are rare but there are a few and I was able to figure it out quick enough. I’m a software developer, though, so your mileage may vary.
In addition, the sound is amazing. I own a 600€ hardware synth and the oscillators and the filter sound good but the sound of this app is something else. It feels like the oscillators just have more harmonics and the filter is amazing when it comes to creating lush soundscapes. If I
Zeitlos... Zeit? Los!
Nicht allein das Zeitkorett verschwindet während des Musikmachens mit MODEL 15!
moog hat erneut die Physis des eigenen Synthesizers detailgetreu eingefangen. Alles wichtige ist visuell erreichbar, sowie gut bedienbar und noch mehr... Die Grenzen zwischen Digitalinstrument und Analogsound vereint.
Wer sich der ganzen Ästhetik des Klanges hingeben möchte, mag seinen (moog)Controller bemühen, um die Loslösung von Zeit und (T)raum zu begreifen.
Der Preis für MODEL 15? Mehr als berechtigt.
Wer zah
It works also as a plugin in Logic for example, if you install all updates. First it only worked in standalone mode, but I could easily fix the rest by updating.
Thanks Moog. It's great!
Ein richtig guter Synth
Zum Patchen ist allerdings auch das 12,9 nicht groß genug, aber wenigstens kann ich es hochkant spielen, da sehe ich etwas mehr. Der Sound ist prima, wobei es mir persönlich völlig wurscht ist, ob das Original getroffen wurde oder nicht.
Great Tool
Sounds great !
Genious, but...
What a phantasical work, everything Works Fine under interapp Audio in AUM, but I have crackles and distorting Noise in AUM iOS 14, iPadPro 9,7 under Audio Unit Extension
Must have App
Das kleine klassische Modularsystem für unterwegs. Sollte auf keinem iPad fehlen.
Super Great Stuff
All in.
Nothing missing. AU rocks like a charm.
Great sound. 14 Bit Midi working fast like a porsche.
Only the fans go crazy with my 2017 macbook pro.
That should be fixed. Grafic Engine?
Moog for ever and ever
Thank you Moog, for beeing here with me. The quality of this App is just as good (sadly not as tactile) as your real life instruments. In conjunction with the Keystep this Moog is just great to play and listening to....gorgeous sounds!!! Buy it!
Absolutely gorgeous
Playing with this on my M1 Mac - and I'm really happy that Moog allows this. This is a must have for any Moog fan. I sounds great.
Hope it will be available as a Mac plug-in or full standalone on M1 Macs one day. I would give quite some money for that.