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Brawl Stars App Discussion Forum

Welcome to the ultimate Brawl Stars App Discussion Forum on WorldsApps! Join the community to share tips, ask questions, and connect with other players who love this fast-paced multiplayer game. Show off your skills and learn new strategies to dominate the Brawliverse!

Forum Rules

1. Keep all content focused on Brawl Stars and its community.
2. Only YouTube links are allowed; all other irrelevant content is prohibited.
3. Focus discussions on tips for playing Brawl Stars on iOS and Android!

General Discussion

Got something to share? Type your post below and get the conversation started!

Connected as Wendy45 (Change Username)
  • Leslie46
    31/01/23 10:00

    Is there any way to get Gems for free in Brawl Stars?

  • Danny89
    21/01/23 06:10

  • Danny89
    13/01/23 06:06

  • Danny89
    13/01/23 06:06

  • Danny89
    13/01/23 06:05

  • Yumi85
    12/01/23 07:45

    see this game too

    see this game too

  • Grace44
    13/12/22 08:35

    Miałem do wyboru Amber meg i Chestera i wybrałem Chestera i go nie mam dlaczego?

  • Walter84
    26/10/22 09:56

    Bonjour 👋🏾,
    Je viens de me faire pirater de mon compte supercell...
    J'arrive plus à respirer...


  • Cristobal44
    17/06/22 06:48

    Ciao ragazzi oggi ho scaricato Brawl Stars e non mi si apriva cos

  • Cristobal44
    17/06/22 06:49

    #help @gos@Fjao?#JELP

  • Irene67
    11/05/22 07:27

    for more tips for 1 HP in BRAWL STARS you can check here

  • Irene67
    11/05/22 07:26

    for more tips for 1 HP in brawl stars, you can check here

  • Rie80
    24/01/22 04:53

    Something needs to change about edgar I get hes very close range but hes a load of bs he regains lost health when attacking he can cover long distance with his super that not only gives him speed boost if he dont get close enough but also passively fills up which is stupid for how hes played his attacks are high damage hes more annoying than darryl and worse of all you can build edgar to have over 5k health

  • Isaac21
    20/01/22 05:13


  • Wendy18
    20/01/22 04:29

    Buongiorno, come posso risolvere il problema che mentre gioco, crasho, ovvero esce da solo dal gioco, possiedo un cellulare con sistema Android 9. Grazie

  • Bret48
    08/01/22 12:37

    Salut je voudrais savoir si Toss Diamond Hoop

  • Virginie28
    03/01/22 07:51

    All box opening

  • Virginie28
    03/01/22 07:49

    All box opening Brawl Stars

  • Cristobal39
    21/09/21 11:08

    Es injusto el sistema de puntuaci

  • Larry77
    21/09/21 10:54

    Una volta io e un mio amico abbiamo fatto le candidate del giorno di footbrawl e abbiamo visto una mappa con dei mattoni, delle panchine e dei muri di semino che quando scomparivano subito rinascevano e non c'era un semino ne come nemico ne come alleato. Io mi chiedo com'

  • Fabian80
    27/08/21 03:44


  • Nicholas35
    16/07/21 11:33

  • Virginie30
    22/06/21 01:44

  • Barry63
    17/06/21 01:07


  • Jeanne58
    02/06/21 11:48

    En el

  • Walter99
    21/05/21 01:41


  • Cindy31
    25/04/21 11:12

    Sprout Ayuda, alguien sabr

  • Sachiko33
    17/04/21 02:29

    Salve volevo sapere come mai nelle casse escono solo soldi?
    Devo mettere un codice? Grazie per chi mi risponder

  • Larry77
    21/09/21 10:56

    Significa che sei sfortunato/a oppure fra poco troverai un leggendario

  • Iris46
    07/04/21 05:23


  • Iris46
    20/02/21 10:13

    Ho vinto le 15 partite del championship ma solo da solo e non ho amici che hanno vinto anche loro. Come faccio a trovare delle persone per partecipare alle mensili? Oppure ci sono qui persone alle quali serve una persona?

  • Iris46
    15/07/20 11:55

    En tant que maman. Je déconseille vivement ce jeu sur lequel mes enfants passent tout leur temps et leurs nerfs. Résultats, des hurlements toute la journée. C est pas possible ce jeux !!!!

  • Iris46
    02/04/20 10:48

    Brawl Stars is the game I'm playing. Games help me relieve a lot of stress.

  • Iris46
    02/04/20 10:47

    Brawl Stars is the game I'm playing. Games help me relieve a lot of stress.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Brawl Stars

How can I get help from the creators of Brawl Stars?

You can contact the creators of Brawl Stars directly through their official support page. Visit Brawl Stars Support for assistance.

How do I cancel my Brawl Stars subscription or delete my account?

To cancel your subscription or delete your account, visit the Brawl Stars Cancel & Delete page for detailed instructions.

Is Brawl Stars Free to Play?

Yes, the app is free, but it may include optional in-app purchases for upgrades.

Thanks for being part of our awesome Brawl Stars community! 🙏😊