Brawl Stars App Reviews
The Brawl Stars app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 6 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Brawl Stars app an average rating of 4.73 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 2.1M ratings since its release on Sep 24 by Supercell. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Brawl Stars?
2.1M global ratings
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45 Positive User Reviews for Brawl Stars
They should add groms hyper charge
It is the best game frrr
I have nothing short of fun whenever I hop on Brawl Stars. Amazing game with unique characters, gameplay, etc. I love it. However, have you ever considered a trade system? I’m probably not the only one who doubles in Clash and Brawl content, so other players might know what I mean. I’m talking characters, gems, coins, PowerPoints, etc. It would make player-on-player interactions much more lively! At least, for me it would. Anyway, thank you for an amazing game!
One of my favorite shooting games
Can you pls change the skull logo
When I first heard of this game and saw my friends playing it I thought it was boring because it looked really boring until I downloaded this game to see how it was like. When I down,o added it I didn’t think that much about it until it started to get fun and I got into the action it was so fun!!!!
The brawl boxes would make we give higher rating but y’all had to remove it
Почему я немогу зайти в вашу игру давайте зделайте штаб я игра кто я одну звезду поставлю даю время да утра окей?
Brawl stars used to be a really good fun balanced game but now it feels like they’re just adding new mechanics and buffs to certain brawlers while leaving others in the dust. The game would be so much more if their were monthly votes on things like which brawlers should be buffed and which should be nerfed, not just an occasional vote on a new skin to be added. It feels like there is so little input and perspective the community is able to add that many things in the game are being forgotten. Su
I love the game but I think it will be fine if they could add 2 starter brawlers
Здравствуйте! В бравл Старс добавили нового бойца мико в него невозможно попасть когда он бьет пытаюсь попасть а он прыгает можете изменить пожалуйста удары мико просто захожу в игру и сразу в игре по 2-4 мико и понятно проиграю попрошу пофиксить и увидеть мой отзыв!доброго дня.
The game is great, love it, but I deleted an account long ago and forgot, then tried loading it because I didn’t know what it was and now I can’t switch back because it says it’s deleted, I can’t recover it and then I press okay. After that it just puts me in a loop. Deleting app doesn’t work and you can’t clear cache on iOS. Please fix somehow
Ok, so I came to this game from a Mrbeast video, and lemme say, WOW! This game is so fun! Like actually one of the best games made! 11/10!
Doug is broken. That’s it. I am losing my brain cells over this brawler. He constantly revives with half his health, breaking big game! This is the reincarnation of 8- bit’s Extra life star power! If anyone gets Doug and his gadget or star power (which one is it), the whole world is ded! (This was all a joke but seriously he’s broken)
One of my favorite games. Awesome game. CONS: you can’t mute characters so you have to listen to them talk all the time. They have so many different things you earn ( coins, gems, bling, Starr road points, chromatics, and power points) that you can never earn the things you want. You can’t acquire the players, and upgrades unless you spend cash or play ALOT. It’s a ‘carrot lottery’ - they’ll keep dangling the carrot in front of you and you have a lottery’s chance of winning. No ads tho, w
This game is very fun to play Ann like I play it often when I in car to have something to do
Would be cool to wear headphones and talk with your team mates since it’s an online game.
So I just downloaded brawl stars and when I am in a battle I always lose because of the reload time. Can you help with that please?
It’s really fun and you will have. a good time
igrica je jako zanimojiva i pronasaoo sam se u njoj bas jako i fina je i ekstrica je i bas topić ono moje jakoo nastavite samo sve najj pozzzzz
They did not give me my Darrell skin back😡😡😡
It is really instructional when you first play because it gives you instructions on what to do it’s really fun, you should play this game
The game is ok but the only thing I do not like is when you claim stuff and you miss a day you won’t Elbe to claim anything else I’m just hopping they do something about it l. overall it is a fun game👍
Brawl stars = brawl good
Love the game would be awesome if they added controller support.
Это топ спасибо
Конкурентов нет
few quests!!! I don't have enough tokens
Верните разгром суперсити! Очень крутой режим был! Скучаю по нему!
I bought a epic brawler and some gems and it did not give me the stuff but otherwise I like it Brawler name :rengoku123428🔥
I need a brawler really bad I have the worst freaking legendary Meg who stinks otherwise my chromatic whose pretty good
This gam is a ton of fun no adds easy to be play and all kinds of creativity
The game is great for young kids and it keeps them motivated
Best game ever I love it
Дорогие разрабы забанте эклерчтка он уже задрал апать 10000000 ранг на дэриле
I wish u cloud we’re the same skin as ur team mate plz I would love if u changed it where we could do that
Игра хорошая но проблема в том что игра вылетает через1-4боя просто вылетает
6 Negative User Reviews for Brawl Stars
I like 90% of the gameplay but a lot of the maps and gamemodes are unplayable because of edgars. I don't know what employee thought it was a great idea to make the most noskilled and annoying build possible, which also heals when attacking, and then give it to everyone for free, but I think you should fire them. Also nerf edgar.
Hate the baby shark title in now hate this game
Look, When I was playing Brawl stars it lets me in for a while and then it kicks me out! Well its still fun but, I wish you can fix that for me🙏🏻🙏🏻. So I can leave a better review.
Please, please nerf Edgar so I can actually have fun.
Game is not very fun because you can either buy gold or you can earn it from the pass there is no other way to get the gold that I know of I feel like the should make it to where you get gold from playing games
This game is fun and all but there are so many problems like teamers campers and much more and if you play something else with randoms they are mostly trash and you can’t even report them or anything only in ranked it’s so annoying if brawl stars creators played their game they would realize about these problems but they don’t.