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Discussion on Zara App for iOS & Android

Welcome to the Zara Forum! This is your go-to community for all things related to Zara, a lifestyle app developed by INDITEX, launched in August 2012 for iOS and Android platforms.

Our forum is dedicated to helping you find support and solutions, discuss strategies, share tips and tricks, and connect with other players. Join us now and be part of the Zara community!

Forum Rules

1. All content must be related to Zara or its community.
2. You cannot buy, sell, gift, or trade accounts here.
3. Only YouTube links are allowed; any content irrelevant to the Zara app is prohibited.

Explore the forum in other languages: Español, Italiano, Français, Deutsch, and Swedish.

Zara Q&A and General Discussions

Don't be shy! It's an open forum for discussions, questions, and answers.

Connected as Erin87 (Change Username)
  • 22/07/20 04:16

    en espagne zara valencia mi mujer se ha hecho casi estafar de 30 euros por una empleaa que no se acordaba si ella recibio un billete de 50 euros o uno de 20 y eso 5 minutos despues de haberlo verificado a ver si era falso eso paso por la manana y tuvimos que esperar hasta las 21 horas 45 de la tarde como si fueramos mendigos esto es inadmisible que tomen a los extranjeros por mentirosos y que tengan las empleadas despistadas a ese punto pienso escribir a la sede social para que hagan algo

Support and Help for Zara

We appreciate your visit to our forum! Whether you're here to report issues, discuss, or share your experiences, we value your input.

App Support

For direct support from the creators of Zara, please visit the developer site. For any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us.

Cancel or Delete the App

If you would like to cancel your subscription or delete your account, please visit our Zara Cancel & Delete page for further instructions.

Thank you for being part of our community! 🙏😊

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