Vous recherchez des applications comme goodEar Pro - Ear Training ? Nous avons compilé une liste des meilleures applications alternatives pour les appareils iOS et Android. Les alternatives GoodEar Pro sont principalement musique applicationsmais peut aussi être Éducation applications.
Il existe des applications 15 similaires à GoodEar Pro disponibles pour plusieurs plates-formes, y compris les smartphones iPhone, iPad et Android. goodEar Chords est la meilleure alternative. Les autres applications similaires à GoodEar Pro sont Politonus II (Ear Training), GuitarToolkit by agile-partners, Guitar Scales & Chords Power et Les Escales 2024. Toutes les meilleures applications alternatives 2024 sont répertoriées ci-dessous et régulièrement mises à jour.
>>>>> EAR TRAINING FOR BEGINNERS TO PROS <<<<< Professional musicians know, that having a good trained ear is one of the most important skills, a musician should have.
Politonus II will help you improve your ability to identify intervals, triads and sevenths, in no time, by using machine learning to create the next exercise based on your progress.
Allégez votre matériel ! GuitarToolkit offre l'essentiel des outils pour la guitare - accordeur, métronome, accords, gammes et arpèges — magnifiquement conçus pour iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.
To improve your guitar playing, learn scales, chords, and the relationship between them. Stay in tune with the tuner and enhance your rhythm by practicing with the metronome.
Les Escales est un festival urbain situé en centre ville de Saint-Nazaire (à 60 km de Nantes) sur l’Île du Petit Maroc.
Scales & Modes is an interactive visual and audio reference for the diatonic scales and modes that are fundamental in music theory.
All musicians of different styles are familiar to blues scale. However, it is difficult to imagine a musician who would not use the pentatonic scale in his repertoire.
Discover FretBoard Evolution: The Ultimate Reference Tool for String Instrument Master Unlock the secrets of your stringed instrument with FretBoard, the comprehensive reference app designed for musicians of all levels.
[Compatible devices] iPhone6 or later(Except for the iPhone SE). [System requirements] iOS 11.0 or later required.
GarageBand transforme votre iPad et votre iPhone en une collection d’instruments tactiles et en un studio d’enregistrement parfaitement équipé, afin que vous puissiez créer de la musique où que vous soyez.
A sound file manager with powerful import and export abilities. If you are using music-making apps, then this tool is a must-have!
NOTE: This official Moodle app will ONLY work with Moodle sites that have been set up to allow it. Please talk to your Moodle administrator if you have any problems connecting.
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