Solitaire City (Ad Free) Historique des versions

Digital Smoke LLC

Plongez dans les archives complètes des versions APK de Solitaire City (Ad Free), contenant des notes détaillées et des informations de compatibilité pour chacun des historiques de versions 9 collectés depuis Aug 10, 2024. Cette page est dédiée aux fans souhaitant explorer l'évolution de Solitaire City (Ad Free).

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    French (1) Voir tout
  • Première version

Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version 7.30

1) Added two new versions of Demon, called "Superior Canfield" which is easier than Demon in that all the cards are dealt face up to the demon and empty spaces in the tableau are not automatically filled from the Demon.
2) Fixed a bug in Demon where sometimes you could place an Ace on the foundations even though the base card first dealt was different.
3) "Card Rotations" On/Off switch is back in the Settings screen.
4) Added a Card "Dragging Height" option in the Settings screen that allows you to adjust the visual height of the cards above the play area when they're dragged around the screen. This adjusts the appearance of the cast shadows.

Solitaire City (Ad Free) Historique des versions de l'APK

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste des versions de fichiers APK pour Solitaire City (Ad Free). Veuillez noter que les liens de téléchargement pour chaque version peuvent ne pas être disponibles ou n'être accessibles qu'après l'approbation du développeur.

Solitaire City (Ad Free) v7.30
Solitaire City (Ad Free) v7.25
1) The 7.24 update would crash after creating a new background or card back using the camera or from the photo album.
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Solitaire City (Ad Free) v7.23
1) Tapping on Reset Statistics would freeze the game on newer devices running iOS 15.<br> 2) Selecting
Solitaire City (Ad Free) v7.22
1) Now works on macOS Silicon devices. 2) The font size has been increased. 3) You can now adjust or mute the sound effects volume when you pause the game.
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Solitaire City (Ad Free) v7.13
1) Now works on iOS 13 (fixed Landscape Lock chaos). 2) Added Dark Mode support on iOS 13. 3) Added an “Add Friends” button to the Game Center leaderboards.
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Solitaire City (Ad Free) v7.12
1) Sometimes, on iOS 11, there would be a long pause after pressing the Play button and eventually the game screen would appear. 2) Fixed up a lot of visual problems with various screen layouts on iPhone X.
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Solitaire City (Ad Free) v7.11
1) 1) iOS 11 compatible! 2) The game would crash quite regularly after the 7.10 update. 3) The Scoring Off button wouldn't remember it's setting.
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Solitaire City (Ad Free) v7.10
1) iOS 11 compatible!<br> 2) The Play button would sometimes stop working.
Solitaire City (Ad Free) v3.10
Solitaire City (Ad Free) v3.03

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