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France App Store

Sven's SudokuPad Critiques de l'application

L'application Sven's SudokuPad a récemment reçu des critiques positives de 3 sur les appareils iPhone, iPad et Android. Les utilisateurs de France ont attribué à l'application Sven's SudokuPad une note moyenne de 3.53 sur 5 étoiles, basée sur un total de notes 86 depuis sa sortie sur Dec 21 par Sven Neumann. Pouvez-vous partager vos pensées positives ou négatives sur Sven's SudokuPad ?

Les évaluations et les Commentaires
Nominale 4.33 de 5

86 notes globales

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

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3 Avis positifs des utilisateurs pour Sven's SudokuPad

Disheartening to fall at the last hurdle

Love the app and the puzzles. Also enjoy the YouTube videos. I’m trying all the techniques I’ve learned and we do timed challenges amongst ourselves. However, I’m finding that after an hour of struggles I find I’ve made a mistake I don’t know how far back to go to correct it. Would it be possible to use the check button to indicate if the numbers selected are correct or not? That way I could undo the error and continue without feeling the need to give up. Thanks.

Best sudoku app

No doubt it’s the best one. But when will you push more sudoku grids on the app?

Perfect app, not enough puzzle

I like the interface and the possibility to make your own puzzles. But I did not understand where to find links to new puzzles. Can I play de puzzle’s from the YouTube Channel for example ?

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