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Charles Proxy App Reviews

The Charles Proxy app recently received 31 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 1 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Charles Proxy app an average rating of 4.05 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 168 ratings since its release on Sep 20 by XK Limited. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Charles Proxy?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.26 out of 5

168 global ratings

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2 Star

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31 Positive User Reviews for Charles Proxy

Missing feature

I really would like to see request body ungzipped please


It works but the performance is extremely slow compared to using a separate desktop version of Charles. Definitely not worth the money unless it is an emergency.

Such a great app

Hope there are some updates soon!

Only one thing missing

It would be great if you added the same “focus” functionality like the desktop app, make it like a favorite or something that you can select endpoints that always shows on the top to make a quicker way of debugging while coding, that’s the only thing missing from making it a 5 star review. Thanks.

Needs rewrites

Nice. Please add rewrites!!!

Unable to decrypt https

It wasn’t able to decrypt https traffic for most apps. Since almost all apps use HTTPS nowadays, this is a dealbreaker :( I made sure that the root CA was installed and “trusted”. I uninstalled it and re-installed it to no avail.

lots of network traffic werenot captured

for some apps like made via flutter framework,Charles didn't capture their network traffics

Fails to export frequently

The app fails to export sessions quite a bit.

Still perfect app

Please note from iOS 14 , users have to go to Phone settings/About/trusted certificates and toggle Charles. Please add a message for this if you can

Extremely useful

DevOps engineer here who occasionally finds himself digging into app requests. Having used the Mac version of this app for years, I have to say this iOS version is just so incredibly well done and convenient!

Top drawer software

This app is just astoundingly good like it’s OS X... er... macOS brethren. The ability to decrypt SSL traffic is beyond valuable.

Awesome app. Great job.

This is going to make network development easier than ever. Would love an option to use the SSL Proxy for all hosts minus an exclusion list, vs having to include each host.

Would be a 5 Star...

Deducting one star because they made the app icon FAR less interesting. Boring even. Bring back the old one! Other than that, terrific app!

The new icon is charmless, c’mon folks don’t chicken out!!!

Please bring back the original icon. It was charming and bright. This new one looks like a placeholder made in a hurry. Don’t chicken out, trying to play it safe according to a five-year old design ethos that’s already dated and a dead end.


Captured logs to identify an issue for our developers without even getting out of bed. Would love to see this on tvOS and Android too!

can’t display Chinese character properly in body

And hope for no-cache option, or request modification

Very useful but would be better if it understood gzip

If it could either strip gzip accept headers on the request or better still detect and show post-gunzipped responses that would be so much more useful. I can’t look at responses in json because they are compressed.

Most useful app on my device

There might be other flashier apps on the App Store, but this is absolutely invaluable when it comes to debugging production app builds. Simple to use, and gives you great visibility into network traffic from all apps on the device.

Please add a switch to the notify widget

Please add a switch to the notify widget, thanks 🤘

Includes ability to save .chls files?

Still learning but finding use of the App difficult when required to save the recording as a .chls file.

Love this product!

Been using Charles on Mac for over 4 years. Happy to see this iOS app! Just today it helped me debug an issue in our enterprise app while I was on the subway train ride home. ☺️

Great app

It’s a great app, but it’s missing a view option by sequence just like the macOS app.

Instant 5*

Ssl on non jailbroken iphone! Took me a minute to trust certificate but there were instructions

Wish you could see a request’s path

Nice app, but missing 1 very crucial and important feature: the ability to see the http request’s path, not just the host.

Looks cool however...

I can't seem to be able to inspect ssl socket traffic. HTTPS works fine. Is this normal?

Great app! So great for debugging

Do you know if this will continue to work in ios13?

feature advice

support to export whole http request info (with header, request, response)

Can be better

I wish it has a built-in JSON viewer to view request and response body

Needs some maintenance

Great app. It’s a tool that I use all of the time for work. Recent iOS OS updates seems to have broken copy and paste on this app. Hopefully a fix will come at some point.

Cannot handle websocket

Cannot connect by websocket. If it is not supported, may be the correct behavior is treating it like raw tcp

1 Negative User Reviews for Charles Proxy

SSL proxy doesn’t work for iPhone 8

Installed and trusted the cert multiple times but still can’t get it to “trusted” state even though I followed the instructions to a T.