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Contraction Timer - Time labor App Reviews

Contraction Timer - Time labor app recently received 15 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 1 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Contraction Timer - Time labor app an average rating of 4.62 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 44.6K ratings since its release on May 21 by PENGUIN APPS PTY. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Contraction Timer - Time labor?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.47 out of 5

44.6K global ratings

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4 Star
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2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Contraction Timer - Time labor app: Spain.

15 Positive User Reviews for Contraction Timer


I used this app it work awesome and told me when I needed to leave! And now I have my contractions times forever


It’s easy to time the contractions and also gives you a option to rate the intensity of it and I love it!

Easy to use! Better than Pregnancy+ app

Ads are a little in the way but easy to use

Simple to use yet very helpful during a stressful time

Tells you duration of contraction, time you had it, and counts seconds after your last contraction to tell you how long it’s been since your last.

Easy to use

This app was very simple and easy to use to track contractions. If you want something simple that gets to the point, this is a must.

Very helpful and effective

Would recommend this!!! Turned my screen to never lock out and this app was a lifesaver

Easy and straightforward

I wanted the easiest app I could use while having contractions and this was great!

Simple and easy to use!

This app was very easy and straight to the point.

Great functionally BUT

It’s incredibly irritating to be asked to rate the app over and over while trying to focus on breathing through contractions.

Doesn’t sync with iwatch

Simple to use on iPhone. However, I downloaded this app because it can be added to iwatch. Discovered that the iwatch part is useless because tapping the iwatch to record a contraction doesn’t sync back to the timer on the iPhone.

Great layout but…

Really great application. Layout is great. Let’s you see length of contractions. And time between contractions. And intensity. 2 things i would fix. I wish you could choose a 1 to 10 for the intensity. Instead of a 1 to 5 scale. Also also the slider for the intensity is not very responsive. I wish there was a plus and minus button to click. Or a number pad with a 1 to 10

does the job

Nice to be able to use on iWatch, which is all the reason I chose this app over other contraction trackers. Generally it does the job of tracking, Although the UIUX is really rough and have a large room to be improved.

🤰🏽 Very Accurate

I’m so glad I used this app to track my contractions. Very accurate and easy to use.

Just Right

This is the perfect app and covers just what is needed down to even being able to manually add times when away from the phone.

1 Negative User Reviews for Contraction Timer


Only reason it isn’t ranking higher every time you mark a contraction it sends you a notification to download its other app. Excuse me, I’m in labor! Not the time to spam me!!

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