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How We Feel App Reviews

How We Feel app recently received 29 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given How We Feel app an average rating of 4.86 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 14K ratings since its release on May 24 by The How We Feel Project. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about How We Feel?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.55 out of 5

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29 Positive User Reviews for How We Feel

love this app! maybe a menstrual cycle update??

i love this app- it’s super helpful in seeing what affects my mood and how much it changes. i was wondering if you all would ever consider adding a section where we could put what phase of our menstrual cycle we’re on? i’ve always been interested in tracking this and your app seems like the perfect format!

only one emotion per check in

i wish it was possible to tag multiple emotions per check in. i rarely feel just one thing at a time, since human emotions are usually more nuanced than that so i’m very surprised an app like this doesn’t allow for more complexity


I am honestly pretty shocked at how big of a difference simply keeping track of my emotions through the day has made. I find myself checking in with my inner workings far more often than I would typically. Instead of assuming I feel down just because, I’ve noticed myself implementing certain actions to help improve my mood. Frankly, I’m impressed. I downloaded this on a whim, but I think it’s a keeper. I considered myself to be a relatively emotionally intelligent person, but this app really enc

Amazing amazing amazing

This app is amazing. Sometimes I don’t have the energy to journal and tracking can be triggering sometimes. This allows me to see overall patterns and track my emotions way better than I ever could.

I love the app! But we need an online version and ability to sync data!

I love the app, it’s super welcoming and really encourages emotional science and discovery instead of judgement. I know that I’m better at identifying emotions when I use this regularly. However, I think overall use would increase if there was an online version that you could use on a laptop or desktop. A lot of users would benefit!

🤭chefs kiss💕

i love this app so much!! it had helped me track my emotions and be mindful about how i’m feeling and think about it on a deeper level and for how emotional i can be it had really helped🤭highly recommend

Pause button not working

The pause button doesn’t work within the instructional video sections.

How We Feel app review

The How we feel app is wonderful for getting in touch with emotions and figuring out how to deal and make space for them in our minds.

Love this app but keep losing my data

Love this app so much but it’s very frustrating when information I input disappears

Refused to open

I really love this app, and have incorporated it into my daily routine. However, I’m pretty bummed that all my check-in data is lost after the app wouldn’t open for the last 3 days and I had to redownload.

Amazing app

Such a great idea and execution. Are the data stored with my account or only stored locally on my phone? Hoping to not lose my entries if I switch a phone :) Amazing work team!

Great but

This is an awesome app but I’m very upset that it’s not available for android phones because I have some friends that I need to have on here but they can’t because they don’t have Apple phones. Please make available on more devices!!!!!!

This app really helps.

This app really helps me track my moods during the day. And I don’t know about you, but my moods are always changing, so now I can monitor them. It also gives you helpful hints. Try it!


I teach DBT -Dialectical Behavior Therapy, of which one of the skills is “Emotion Regulation”. This app is Spectacular in teaching me. I will recommend it to all my friends and students. Tho I can see room for improvement: Typing just now is most difficult, since the font color is black, barely discernible on the nearly black background. It would be nice to be able to add written commentary to the feeling, as well as the spoken. Thank you!

Importante para la visa

Una aplicación qué hay que ponerle el ojo, analisate


Grazi Mille! This app just works for me. From the colors to the videos, I feel more connected to myself emotionally. Cheers to everyone who worked on it!

Absolutely love it!!

Gave 4 stars due to there not being an android version 😕 I would so love for my clients who have android to use this. Also, small suggestion…visuals with emotion choices would be awesome, like face emojis or something that somehow can help the user better identify more closely how they are feeling in the moment. But other than that, I absolutely love this app! Amazing work!!

So important! We Must feel ti heal!

Thank you for creating at our fingertips the resource to name & recognize emotions. Its helpful the informative interactive & mindful videos support stopping & being present instead of pushing away. I love increasing word vocabulary with emotions that are more typically categorized into few options. This is so fantastic! Ive even got my husband doing it who is very resistance to any emotion recognition. Bravo! Ive recommended it to so many already!

Helpful by any standard, amazing free resource

really love this app. couple weeks of checking in and lessons and i feel like i’m learning about myself and becoming an emotional scientist

Easy and helpful

I’m a therapist and I love the definitions paired with the emotions- it helps me accurately report! Easy to use and room to personalize with detail:)

Beautiful App💗

I love the style and the little animations the app has. I love how after u track your emotion for the day, u get a certain videos giving you suggestions & tips on ways to overcome the emotion you have especially, if you track mostly low emotions. It’s very sleek and to the point, and I love how I can look back on which emotion I have tracked the most. To gather how I am as a person.

This app has become my best friend

It’s a place where i can feel and understand how I feel.


This is easily one of the most intuitive and well designed apps I’ve ever used

more body-feel words, and/or type in words

love this app. I do wish there were a few small updates to the app. sometimes I feel an emotion that is not available to pick, so I wish there was a way to write in the emotion. similarly, often I feel “hungry” or “uncomfortable” or “overstimulated” and those are not options. I know they aren’t exactly emotions and are more body-feelings, but I think they can be insightful words to describe my feelings and I wish I could pick them on the app.

Life changer

This app is literally changing my life. The way it’s set up for choosing my feeling makes me be more in tune we how I actually feel instead what I think I’m feeling. The mini clips offering tools are super awesome. Thank you for creating this intelligent app

Nice reflection tool and community check in

Really enjoy the simple interface for emotion descriptors and the corresponding coping strategies/tools as well as the community aspect. One of my friends checked in as “disappointed” and when I messaged her to see what was going on, she said, “wow this app really works.” It’s a great way to stay connected to close friends. My suggestion for further improvement would be to allow for multiple feelings to be selected at once, as I’ve had times where I held both positive and negative emotions at

Great app, but…

Ok so I’ve had this app only for a day and it is really helping! But I don’t have a social media app so, ya you get the point but over all, good app!


It really helps me identify and label my own feelings so I can cope with them or manage them. I just wish that I could optionally add a severity to my emotions, or add more than two at once if that messes with statistics. But otherwise that’s really all I’d add. It’s perfect for me except for that tiny thing.


First time using app. First information is rating your feelings. While reading & picking my appropriate responses answer on screen slowly recede, could be my problem. But after choosing and hitting continue half of the answers that appear are not the answers I picked. There’s no reason to continue if app has picked up false answers. I’ve continued to delete app & try again, same results. Suggestions?

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