Limbus Company App Reviews
The Limbus Company app recently received 43 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Limbus Company app an average rating of 4.55 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 3.8K ratings since its release on Aug 24 by Project Moon. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Limbus Company?
3.8K global ratings
43 Positive User Reviews for Limbus Company
Goated game of all time
Don Quixote is my spirit animal
如题 前两部都有官方中文版为什这部没有啊
月亮计划月亮计划我们喜欢你 话说回来这次更新能多给点狂气吗(什么
amazing lore, suprisingly super f2p for a gacha, and good characters
I would turn 45 degrees for my boy
like title,this game has some good story,the characters in it are from all countries and great books,like Wuthering Heights and from the Chinese Dream of the Red Chamber,yes,it is my favorite book,and The main character of the book appears in this game and i very very love him,he is very handsome and has a nice vocie,I am sure you will love this game after playing it
I think she means "Perfected Emotional Artistic Kino"... -🐣
I love project moon
Gave me brainrot (positive)
I'm sorry that why i can't sign in with my apple id??
honestly all the project moon games are amazing, not just this one so check em out if you can
the odyssey had a purpose
Beach vollyburr!!
Very epic. Love game. Play right now. Theme park will not fund itself.
I try this game at the frist time but is acttuly good than my mind very F2P,the charater,the voice is Ten Point no but and however the big point i seen at this game is the combat,all skills charater they made is very perfect,monumental…Nice game 👍🏻
我号没了 月计还我号啊!!!
I’ve started Limbus during summer thanks to one of my project moon addicted friends, i could say that experience was one of the best during those time of summer. Storyline is incredible, mechanics are very unique, despite being gacha it’s still very f2p friendly. Ontop, i may have gotten a little addicted (100+ hours)
yisang my beloved
I’m soft locked after the tutorial due to there being nothing but a black screen and the bottom ui (the extraction button and ect) being the only thing showing I can hear everything but that’s the only thing I see besides darkness
I’ve fallen in love with this game so much that it made me go play PM’s other games.
I’m glad I downloaded Limbus, because I ended up getting into Library of Ruina, their second game, and LobCorp, their first game. the game is fun, art is good, gameplay has reasonable amounts of thinking involved the story is the main highlight, along with the characters. they’re filled with PM’s whimsy and cruelty, making them so interesting and unique TLDR: limbus is a good game and I love the PM series
The game itself is great, I don’t have any complaints, but I’m not able to put my computer account on my phone. I looked it up and multiple people have had issues with it. I apparently have to wait until I can physically update the app to link my accounts, which might never happen. I don’t want 2 accounts, but it won’t let me, so I hope that they fix this soon :/
The artist was hired back, and y’all got mad at seriously nothing y’all.
Keep working on whatever you’re doing. Would love to see more new content’s coming out, especially if they’re not always delayed
I love project moon
Lure 12/10. Music 9/10. Combat 6/10. F2P friendly 5/10 (major point loss for uptie 4 resource needed). Reputation (Korea) 9/10; reputation (international) 3/10.
The title says it all, the games really good but theres just a bunch of bugs that slightly ruin it. EGO sometimes causes the game to crash on use. the new story chapter is next to unplayable at the final hoss because it continuously crashes. Honestly just really hoping bugs like this get fixed already so the game can feel better.
This is a great game, as you can probably tell by the many other glowing reviews. However, the fun that I’ve had playing this game is dampened slightly by the numerous bugs I’ve encountered. Primarily, the game has a nasty habit of crashing seemingly without reason, but only during combat on certain levels. Additionally, the game suffers from framerate drops somewhat frequently, which makes it hard to play the game. Once the developers have fixed these issues, I’d be happy to adjust my rating ac
I like this game a lot just wish it didn’t crash as much
Downloaded the update, worked fine, game crashed in the middle of a battle and I haven’t been able to get back in ever since. The game just crashes as soon as I tap the title screen. I’ve tried reinstalling and updating my phone to no avail. I’ve been having a lot of fun so I hope this is fixed soon. Had no other issues with the game before this.
This game is a wonderful narrative experience, and the strategy required is a great balance of fun and challenge.
An amazing sequel to lobotomy corporation and library of ruina. I can’t wait to see where this story goes!
半颗星就是这么扣的,虽然project moon还只是个小公司,拿不到中国🇨🇳的版号很正常,但是我们中国🇨🇳的人们还是非常期待这个游戏的!!!而现在一些外语不太好的中国玩家还在对着做了翻译的人的视频玩!(比如我aaa)另外半颗星是因为闪退!完全没法玩!一开始战斗就闪退!我已经把所有画面设置都调到最低了还是闪退aaaaaaa!(希望月亮计划永远不死,爱来自中国🇨🇳😽👏
I like this game very much, but sometimes this game kick me out in the middle of a battle, this happen to me a lot of times, that’s the only thing I hate about this game, it’s frustrating to almost win a battle and suddenly the game close, it’s just frustrating.
This game is amazing, graphic is good, plot is good, music is good, mechanic is good, but come on, this game is not optimized on the iPhone, it flash quit all the time in the middle of the battle, it is the most annoying thing ever. If u want to experience the game, I would recommend u do it on steam on a computer if u can, is free there too, and it is a much better experiences