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Maja Vase App Reviews

Maja Vase app recently received 4 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Maja Vase app an average rating of 4.17 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 18 ratings since its release on Nov 20 by Jakob Ambeck Vase. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Maja Vase?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.00 out of 5

18 global ratings

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2 Star

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4 Positive User Reviews for Maja Vase

Amazing pictures, UX needs a small change

Feedback to the devs the bookmark feature is confusing - it seems like the heart icon on top right of a recipe is the way to bookmark because the icon on the bookmark menu is a heart. But the heart doesn’t seem to do anything but update the like count on a recipe. You have to use the bookmark icon itself lower in the recipe page, which I find confusing. I also wish the molds were more precise - diameter is typically given but not depth. But love the pictures and recipes generally!

Great app

Fantastic app, very clean work. Very easy to follow formula’s. Pot standing pics.

Fantastic recipes but not all features work

Fantastic recipes but the bookmark feature doesn’t work. Clicking on the heart in the recipe works but then going to the favorites section of the main menu doesn’t list the favorited recipes.

Doesn’t delivery all it promises

Every recipe should have at least two photos: one showing the finished work and another showing the dessert cut so you can see the inside. The assembly is not explained thoroughly and also a couple of photos showing the assembly would make it better. There is no explanation whatsoever on the decorations. She is an amazing chef but refuses to give away the step by step which is a key factor in an elaborate dessert. I hope an upgrade is in a near future.

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