Microsoft To Do App Reviews
The Microsoft To Do app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 5 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Microsoft To Do app an average rating of 4.73 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 225.2K ratings since its release on Sep 24 by Microsoft Corporation. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Microsoft To Do?
225.2K global ratings
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45 Positive User Reviews for Microsoft To Do
Nice Nice Nice Nice
Although the app is easy to use, I would expect more from Microsoft than an app that is constantly crashing.
Lack of complexity makes this my go to for things to get done.
I have used this app for many years. Over time I have built up recipes I use and foods I eat together. It is a pretty amazing tool. It makes me stay on track when I diet and keeps me disciplined on my exercise.
So far, I like it. I don't have crashing issues like most recent reviews. However, I do agree that the widgets don't work properly. I added them and it was blank. Hours later they appeared but had items still on there that were already completed. And one thing I don't like at all is the fact that for repeating items, it won't show up on more than one day until it is completed on the first day it repeats on. This defeats the purpose of me looking at my whole week and knowing what needs to be done
Why does the App Constantly shut down after I open it for about 30 seconds? Would be 5 star otherwise. Can’t figure it out and of course no in person service with Microsoft. Unless I’m just overlooking things
I love that app. I have OCD so to be able to make a list that’s easy to stick with is a real godsend. I tried a lot of different apps before landing on todo. Easily the best and most user friendly.
Dear Microsoft, why are you choking the life out of what could be the greatest app on the planet? I’m begging you! Please please please assign a programmer or two to make MICROSOFT To Do stable (it quits constantly) and introduce a few of the features people are clamoring for (a “to be done Tomorrow” list and a “daily habits list” are two I’ve been asking for). I access the Microsoft To Do app many times a day including evenings, Saturdays and Sundays. Don’t you guys realize Microsoft To Do is y
But would be better with more control over the order of the list.
This current version is crashing/dumping every time I use it. I have to keep re-opening it. I hope they patch it soon.
It’s a nice tool, but I believe it could be a better tool if you get it more in line with the Microsoft tools link it better with Microsoft calendar so you can create a tasks and add an email to Task at schedule follow ups reminders and due dates needs more functionality. Thank you.
When using the app or doing writing tasks, the app suddenly closes and erases everything that was written. Please note that this problem occurred after the latest IOS update.
Works the way I do. I like feature that lets me add to-dos to my daily schedule as well as the integration across phone and PC.
PLEASE! A planner without a calendar is as handicapped as an editor without cut & paste. A simple calendar would help a lot in planning and the inevitable reshuffling of priorities.
I keep separate lists for groceries at different stores, movies I want to watch, books to read, gift ideas etc.
This app and the fact it syncs to my desktop has become invaluable. Just get it. You’ll be happy you did.
This is the perfect extension for your outlook. It is extremely flexible. I’ve used a LOT of to-do lists, most don’t have the integration needed, so you have to constantly switch out before between outlook and what ever to-do list your currently using. And it works with both regular PCs and Apple products. Adding to this, it’s FREE the 365 subscription.
Fantastically simple and reliable application. Microsoft is a beast and this isn’t even built on their OS - much respect.
I really love this task list. It is the first one that is versatile enough for me to do everything I want with it. I highly recommend!
Love it and use it everyday! But I really hope they listen to their users and add calendar view for planned tasks or at least have it show in Outlook calendar!
I’ve got long lists. A search capability is the only thing the app truly lacks.
Having option to view like a calendar and organising tasks according to dates would be more helpful
Great App. I just wish I could add it as a widget on my Home Screen. That would make it much more usable.
I like this app, except it regularly freezes and needs to be restarted.
Every other update seems to break something like the widget or the login requiring Authenticator. It’s better than it was just a year ago so fingers crossed they don’t gut it or give up on it.
Love the web version, which is a great organizational tool. The name To Do says it all. However, last month the iPhone app began having terrible sync issues when it comes to My Day. The app was always prone to those issues, but refreshing the web usually fixed them. When that failed, signing out and back in on the phone and/or the web would fix the sync. Now nothing works. Some My Day activities get synced, but there doesn’t even seem to be a pattern.
Eu uso todos os dias e funciona tanto no iPhone como no iMac. Deixa minha vida mais tranquila. Gostaria de pedir que pudesse usar setas para fechar os textos/listas das Concluídas isso ajudaria muito a focar só no que interessa mesmo. Obrigado pelo App, continuem melhorando sempre.
I love this app. To-do keeps me organized and motivated, featuring task management tools and reminders. It has been a life saver and a tool that I use daily!
Amazing app, just too many steps to do simple tasks like adding info to a task created from an outlook email, I hope they continue to work on adjusting these features so it can do what google’s tasks does and more…
Easy to use, still it gives so much flexibility.
Absolutely love this app. My husband and I use it all the time. We lift groceries and we can share the app so it makes shopping so much easier. No paper to lose!
I wish there was Apple Watch version. Otherwise, this app offer is the best synchronization between iOS, macOS and windows.
Getting to be my favorite reminder, to do app !
It's been years without improvement. They arrive hours late or not at all. They're fine initially but then get worse over time. Daily notifications behave the worst and eventually become unusable. On Android and windows everything works perfectly.
Lack of support for multiple accounts has been absent for a long time now
It very much fits my needs. I especially like that I can move old undone tasks to a new date, and set up repeating tasks, like daily class announcements
The app is too sensitive to touch. Example: accidentally touching an item on the grocery list and it goes away, resulting in not knowing what the item was!! A frustration that calls for writing down the grocery list on paper in case something gets accidentally deleted. Might as well not use it if you have to write down the grocery list!
Love how easy it is to use. It’s clean, fast, and I use it everyday to complete tasks for my upcoming business. Thank you Microsoft!
I used this app everyday. Awesome
I use this app for my grocery list and use it almost on a daily basis. I hope a developer sees this because sun lists are in need of a “move to top option”. Currently you have to manually move items to specific locations and I constantly accidentally move items out of the sub list.
5 Negative User Reviews for Microsoft To Do
I’ve used this app for many years (including when it was Wunderlist) to have a to-do list I could share with my husband. It was fantastic for years. In the past few months, it has become absolutely terrible. It crashes all the time (for both of us, on iPhones) - even while we’re in the middle of typing a new item. And it doesn’t sync, so we’re not looking at the same list status at the same time. I might need to switch to something else soon because this is beyond frustrating.
Hace años que uso la aplicación Era excelente . desde hace meses cada vez que la consulto o uso en el teléfono a los pocoas segundos se tilda esta app y tilda el teléfono No parece compatible con iPhone Una pena ojalá lo puedan mwjorarr!!
To the past few months my app crashes every time I open. I have tried reinstalling and even got a new phone. Please fix!!!!
I accidentally uploaded the wrong photo for custom theme and it's impossible to delete it. User privacy is an issue because we should be allowed to remove our private photos from the app. Hope the dev can fix this. Aside from this, the app works fine.
Can not see previous days and they are never put in the tasks list. Everything completely lost! Have to try to remember what I added to the list and search it on the magnifying glass. Can not go to previous days to see what I wrote. Feel like is better off to stay with google keep notes or write it down on paper because I’m still not able to find or even specifically remember what exactly I wrote. As a 1st time user is kind of disappointing.