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Nautical Charts & Maps App Reviews

The Nautical Charts & Maps app recently received 8 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 2 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Nautical Charts & Maps app an average rating of 4.62 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 3.6K ratings since its release on Apr 24 by LW Brands LLC. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Nautical Charts & Maps?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.88 out of 5

3.6K global ratings

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4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Nautical Charts & Maps app: Italy.

8 Positive User Reviews for Nautical Charts & Maps

Great so far

It is handy for planning, needs a key/legend to identify the obstructions and markers etc. I like how after the maps are downloaded it easily transition from area to area. Would recommend it for an additional navigational aid.


Simple chart program. Puts you on a Noaa chart. Lacks tools were accustomed to. Great value though. I’m hoping the developer will add a few tools. I’d gladly pay more if they’d add marks routing and a caliper tool. Keep it simple though. I payed 50 bucks for the original Navionics. Was really happy to do so. Now that they’ve gotten greedy and made it a ridiculous subscription I’m out. This app and its potential are a breath of fresh air.

Love this simple app

Used it in Destin FL to navigate a rented pontoon boat.


Nice to have a mapping program that doesn’t take a computer genius to figure out. All I wanted was maps I can use to see where things are without the big whistle and bells. And the big $$$$

Beautiful App, but…

This App provides great charts, however we live in the state of Washington near Canada which also has beautiful waterways that we love to explore, the provided charts Do Not include these needed Canadian waters charts. I’ll be glad to update the star rating to 5 stars if you’ll provide charts for the waterways between Washington and Alaska (the Canadian coastal waters). You have a really good thing going, please make it Great by adding the West Coast Canadian waterway charts!


Fine looking map, are charts available for N.E. Oklahoma?

2 Negative User Reviews for Nautical Charts & Maps

No maps???

I am trying to use it as a nautical chart but it looks more like Apple Maps. Is it because I am abroad? It didn’t exclude anything when I was looking at the app presentation. I think I am doing something wrong and I will change my rating when I figure it out or get assistance. Otherwise I will have to ask for a refund

Not the best

You can download charts and scroll around/zoom, but that’s about it. No real interactivity on the chart (being able to click on chart details like channel markers to get expanded details? Nope. Ability to set waypoints in a course? Nope. Ability to measure distance between two arbitrary points? Nope). It’s not bad, it’s just not really useful on the boat.