Your Story - Life Simulator App Reviews
The Your Story - Life Simulator app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 1 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Your Story - Life Simulator app an average rating of 4.41 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 548 ratings since its release on May 21 by Nikita Poslanichenko. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Your Story - Life Simulator?
548 global ratings
45 Positive User Reviews for Your Story
ONLY PROBLEM IS THAT whenever I call the don’t answer for a while how do I get them to answer my call?..
This game is hard to get rich
I love the game and how it is but a feel the characters should be able to get married and have a family to make the game more realistic xoxo I love the game but
This game is the best but the bonus part for friends need to be fixed I didn’t get what was promised so didn’t my friends.
Dear Creators, I truthfully love the game in it’s entirety with or without ADs, but I think there is a glitch or a bug with the time and days? The time and day are moving much faster than I remember, which makes the work element and my money element nonexistent. I hope this can be fixed. Thank you!
An update would be nice ..
this is a good game at the beginning i wanted to delete it but pls it has so much potential play it u will cry life changing game
First it needs to be a little bit harder to lose money and shouldnt take so long to travel bc it always makes me late for work. Also you dont have the option to by bi or gay/les you have to be straight so thats not great and maybe make it to where the nightclub that cost 300 dollars and a certain amount of charm should make it to where you can do certain things inside that you cant do at the normal bars or clubs. Other than those few suggestions this game is good. So great job on your game but p
This game is really fun but some of the things on the game freeze or glitch so I can’t press it anymore
I love the update but... I have a few suggestions so I like the characters but could u make a blonde girl or make where you can customize your own character, add more clothing.I just wanted to say could u make it where u can be friends with people and hangout but once you get a relationship they can move in with u, and eventually propose and could u add kids in it.And could like someone come up to u and ask you out instead, ok but could u make it where you can either start in high school or coll
Hello Can You Add A Church I’m a Christian And I Think That Would be wonderful
I think you guys should make a salon. And we need accessories for our characters. We need to can see our characters when their on a date. Make this more of roleplay. We need to see scenes
This game doesn’t have glitches it’s just the internet your connected to if a lot of people are around you they can be using the internet and it get all of it used of it
Love the game constant rewards the more you play
The game is still awesome and love the story but ads are lying to ya and less freedom than you think but it works smoothly and love the game still
It’s a very fun game it’s just hard to date on it I tried everything so if that can be fixed that’ll be amazing
Отличное приложение мне очень нравится. Всем советую
Очень классное приложение. Помогает заниматься и физически развиваться, набираю форму к лету.
I feel like most of it has a great idea but it needs more events more not robot talk like reciprocate. Also babies relationships it needs it. It should also get sound but over all great game.
Прикрасное приложение ребята всем советую не пожалеете!!
очень хорошее и полезное приложение!
Отличное приложение
Супер приложение всегда им пользуюсь спасибо разработчикам
Good game but needs more bug fixes
Really fun to play and has alot of activities and rewards not like the older games. Thank you!
It’s a really good game been playing it for a little now really easy and I find it fun and a little risky to do the missions over all a grate game
This game is even better than bitlife. There are so many possibilities in it!
It’s a fun game. I recommend this game.
I am now playing my 2nd Character with this game to fill in the time when waiting for an upgrade. So many facets this game keeps you hopping. Love the graphics and the stories.
I think that this is a pretty good game. Maybe make some changes but over all this is good
Really enjoying this game. Learning as I go.
I’ve been playing for a few days now and the game seems to be pretty well paced.
So far I love it. I like how there is something to do all the time
This is probably the most addicting and fun game i have ever played there are so many different things to do it is impossible to put the phone down!
Downloaded it and just never stopped playing 😁
Even better than bitlife! The developers began to release interesting updates! I'm not waiting with patience for what will happen next!😍
Downloaded it and just never stopped playing 😁
I’m really enjoying playing this game. I find it very addicting!
There’s a lot more to do than you’d think. Enjoyable.
Can there be a Dealership, Gun store to be able to buy guns, an bank to drive to, and clothing stores.
It a fun game I love this app and it’s so cool
Can you guys update it? Where you can travel different countries😅
I play it so often that it has replaced my Facebook addiction!
Thanks for making this awesome fame
1 Negative User Reviews for Your Story
The game was pretty fun until every once in a while there’s this one glitch where time fast foward and it was so fast I would miss days. FIX THIS or I will not play it again, it ruins every progress.