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Planet Fitness Workouts App Reviews

Planet Fitness Workouts app recently received 14 negative reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Planet Fitness Workouts app an average rating of 4.80 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 178K ratings since its release on Feb 24 by Planet Fitness Holdings LLC. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Planet Fitness Workouts?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.00 out of 5

178K global ratings

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Explore global reviews of the Planet Fitness Workouts app: Sweden.

14 Negative User Reviews for Planet Fitness Workouts

No training

So PF has no personal trainers due to COVID and yet they still want you to pay an extra $6 a month to get PF+ on the app to do live classes in the morning. These should be FREE when there are no trainers in the gym.


Why no apple wallet support? 99% of people use this app solely for they QR code. Dumb.


It just kept on say to verify my password after verifying it a few 100 times I gave up

Slow app

Loads very slow. Couldn’t use to check in.

WiFi log in

Every time I log into the WiFi I have to enter my email. Why can it not remember my email address?

App is unnecessary

So this app is supposed to help social distancing, but you still have to check in at the front desk. How does that make sense? Why can’t I just check in on the app

Watch app broken

I only use the app for checking in and seeing if the gym is busy. Whenever I try to check in with my watch it says connection expired and won’t bring up my membership


Barcode doesn’t work, so I still have to mess with card. The busy scale is not accurate. They should have spent the app development money on teaching their staff how to clean, and not be rude.

Doesn’t always open

It seems every time I go to use the app to sign in at the gym or check the crowd meter it does not open and I get an error, later versions have gotten better but I still carry my card because the app I so unpredictable

More upgrade issues

After the last update issue with the QR code’s not working as well as the bar codes now the newest update wipes out your gym visits history. Why do they keep making updates just for the sake of updates?

Bloated app

I love this app but it’s becoming too “bloated”. It is becoming harder to find simple information, such as the “crowd meter”. PF needs to simplify the app.

Help on barcode

Does anyone know how to fix barcode Manual because I’m trying to put in my barcode manually but it says it doesn’t work try again later and it’s correct. Can anyone help?

App not loading

Typically, I have no trouble with the app. After the last update, the load time gets slower and slower and now it’s just spinning!

Hard to find Saved workouts

What’s the point of allowing you to save workouts? There’s no place to find the saved workouts in the app!

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