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Remembering the Kanji App Reviews

The Remembering the Kanji app recently received 28 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 4 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Remembering the Kanji app an average rating of 3.40 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 20 ratings since its release on Jul 24 by Mirai Apps. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Remembering the Kanji?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.82 out of 5

20 global ratings

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4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

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28 Positive User Reviews for Remembering the Kanji

Great app to have alongside RTK

Great as a companion app for the book. The Study Lists are a great way to keep track of your progress by placing, for example, all the kanji you’ve learned in a week into 1 study list. Unfortunately, this app does NOT have a SRS (spaced repetition software); but it’s not like it needs it, after all you can just use Anki or Koohii. TL;DR: great for sort-term study and keeping track of your progress.

Really good

2 things would get it 5 stars. - preload Heisig stories - app should remember where I left off on a study list. It’s not fun when you’re trying to practice 500 randomized kanji, get through half the list, pause and then cannot continue from where I left off. Adding an SRS kind of memorization system would be great.

Useful but sorely needs updating

This app is useful, particularly in combination with other Japanese learning apps and the associated book. But it has some annoying (and likely easy to fix) limitations. Reasons for taking off two stars are: - only works in portrait mode, so it is very annoying to turn tablet around, when using in combination with other apps that can support either portrait or landscape - search mode is set to numbers, and cannot be defaulted to letters - since presumably is a companion to a book, why is it not

No Heisig story???

Pros- Organizes all 3 books by lesson Using writing as part of the flash card(and being able to compare it yourself as opposed to fighting with a writing AI) Cons- Setting up your own flash cards can’t be done from the kanji study itself and need to go into index No Heisig stories which are the core of the teaching style!!! Writing your own story can defeat the purpose because if you mislabel a primitive you can mess up learning other primaries and kanji.

Good companion!

A lot of help without having to create a couple thousand flash cards! PLEASE update the application with the latest version of the book though! There have been added Kanji and the numbering has changed! It's been a year since the last update! :(

Perfect but NEEDS SRS system

Worth the money for me, but needs an update.

Worth it!

There could be more functionality around the flashcards like a true SRS. However, with the kanji keywords imported stories and stroke order animations, it is definitely staying on my iPhone 4S.

Awesome!! But...

I love this app. Its so helpful. But, it'd be a lot more helpful if it had RTK 3 and an SRS system. Otherwise.. Great!!!

Great companion to the book


Not bad except

I would prefer if the quizzes could keep track of in/correct answers instead of making the user input whether they were right or not.

Please update it

Hi the app is a great tool for learning Kanji. Please update it to iOS6 and support the iPhone 5 resolution.


Great app! Works as advertised. Future improvements can include games.

Deserves 5 stars with new search features

This app does most everything I want now that there are multiple ways to search kanji: keyword, ON & KUN. This last update was a big deal.

Newly updated near perfect

The only thing this app lacks is SRS. Beautifully done. Compatible with IPhone 5 and latest edition of Heisig book 1. Remember to change book edition in settings. This app is a bargain for what you get.

Version 2.1

The linear SRS (testing capability) was unfortunately removed with this update, which is really frustrating. Hopefully there will be an update soon!

Add a possibility to remove a card from study list

It would be great to have a button in the card to remove it from the active study list, once I'm sure to know it well. That would successively reduce my study list to those cards which need more repetition.

Go Heisig

Great tool. Own this and the book. Wish it had a spared repetition system (SRS) built in but I use Memrise and Anki for that. This app serves as a great reference. Plus it's another way to support Heisig.


It has the primitives for all of the kanji. The flash cards and study list option is fantastic for reinforcing and retention. Great app - would use again. 11/10

Great app

Great app. But hopefully there will be function to highlight words in story frame with italic or bold (the way web version does)

Incorrect data

This is a good app for a good book. FYI, there is a switch in the configuration menu to switch between 5th and 6th editions.

Could be a 5-star app

This would be a five-star rating if my custom study lists were not continually deleted after updates.

Great, except…

Like others have said, this is a great app and a necessary companion to the book. It's incredibly useful. However, the last two updates have deleted all of my study lists. That is *not* acceptable.

Search uses wrong keyboard but good otherwise

It’s very annoying that search brings up the numeric keyboard when I literally never search by number. It should default to alphabetical so I can check kanjis by name easily.

Great companion app

Great companion to the book, supports versions 5 and 6 of the book. On Apple, the backup crashes every time, so only 4 stars. I have to screen capture to back up my progress.

4 Negative User Reviews for Remembering the Kanji

Great for some, frustrating for me.

If you are using the book this is a great companion app as long as you don't care at all about spaced repetition. However if you are like me, and don't want to waste time studying things you don't need to study, and require the efficiency of SRS, than this app is a little bit of a let down. Hopefully they add SRS for both writing and reading in the future. If they do it will be the perfect companion app, but till then I'm not using it. But again, if you don't care about SRS I think you will enjo

Missing crucial SRS system

Review is a critical feature of the Remembering the Kanji method. When I purchased it, I just assumed it had an SRS system built in. It doesn't. This app is relegated to a reference only, of which there are many. Without SRS review, it's incomplete.


I wish you could sync it with the online version! I have to start all over again- waste of $10!!!

Still not fully implemented. Want to go back to 1.0

Why is SRS linear testing still gone??? That was version 1.00's eat feature for studying kanji!!! It's nice to know that kanji to text has been restored but please bring back the testing function!!! That would make this app a five star!