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Skelly - Art Model App Reviews

Skelly - Art Model app recently received 7 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Skelly - Art Model app an average rating of 3.85 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 107 ratings since its release on Jun 22 by Proko. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Skelly - Art Model?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.29 out of 5

107 global ratings

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Explore global reviews of the Skelly - Art Model app: Italy, Spain.

7 Positive User Reviews for Skelly

Great but..

The camera distortion is too severe. Needs more camera options including just 2d to show the skeleton flat with no perspective.


Because it’s a Proko product this automatically gets 5/5.

Nice artist tool

Every thing is great, I just wish you could open the jaw of the skeleton

Helpful app, but…

This app has a nice balance of power and simplicity. Very handy for making anatomy references while drawing, animating, etc. One important feature which is missing is the ability to set a focal length for the “camera.” As is, the shots are rather “wide angle” which is fine for casual use but a definite drawback when used for a reference for an actual artwork in progress where you don’t want as much distortion in your reference. Eagerly anticipating an update which addresses this!


And perfect for use with Proko's anatomy course. I do wish one could change the Field of View without zooming.

Straight to the point

Great app freaking love it, would be help full to have a front, side, top, bottom view kind of thing trying to make thing symmetrical but I keep moving the screen read, other than that great app

Pretty good

It’s good for reference but could really use some advanced posing especially with the jaw and the hands. Otherwise pretty worth it especially considering something like this irl would cost a lot more

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