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Smou App Reviews

Smou app recently received 3 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Smou app an average rating of 4.01 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 208 ratings since its release on Mar 24 by Ajuntament de Barcelona. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Smou?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.00 out of 5

208 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Smou app: Spain, Italy, France, Sweden.

3 Positive User Reviews for Smou

Great idea but slowest app ever

It’s an excellent app for taking care of connecting all of the personal transportation options in Barcelona but honestly it’s all useless if the app constantly crashes or takes 2 minutes to start up just to unlock a Bicing. I preferred when the Bicing app was just fast and had one purpose. Adding all these other features just made the app slow or crash constantly (on an iPhone 12). Optimize the app for speed and everything should be fine! Use a faster QR code reader. Consider offering NFC integr

Great idea but slowest app ever

It’s an excellent app for taking care of connecting all of the personal transportation options in Barcelona but honestly it’s all useless if the app constantly crashes or takes 2 minutes to start up just to unlock a Bicing. I preferred when the Bicing app was just fast and had one purpose. Adding all these other features just made the app slow or crash constantly (on an iPhone 12). Optimize the app for speed and everything should be fine! Use a faster QR code reader. Consider offering NFC inte

Can’t see which direction I’m facing on map

It’s not currently possible to see which direction I’m facing on the map. This makes it hard to know how to get to a bike station. On multiple occasions I’ve gone the wrong way thinking I was going the right way. The app also takes quite a long time to load compared to other apps like Google maps for example. It’s not fun to stare at a black loading screen while I’m standing and waiting next to a bike I want to rent.

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