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The Fantasy Footballers App Reviews

The Fantasy Footballers app recently received 14 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given The Fantasy Footballers app an average rating of 4.91 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 2.9K ratings since its release on Aug 23 by Engaging Media LLC. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about The Fantasy Footballers?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.79 out of 5

2.9K global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

14 Positive User Reviews for The Fantasy Footballers

The Fantasy Footballers

Love these guys, you will learn and laugh at the same time! Bring on the Champ-Champ!

Best of the best

Best of the best

Best FF Show Ever

Don’t tell anyone!


I can’t believe this is a free app. So valuable! I love it!


Love the new update. Makes decisions while on the go so much easier instead of going to website.


All the info you need. Start sit tool is a game changer!!!

Must Have!!!

This app is bomb and I get to see my 3 best friends Andy, Mike and Jason every time I log on.

Entertaining as they are informative

I enjoy listening to these guys. They have really good chemistry and know their stuff. I appreciate they don’t always agree with each other and give valid reasons as to why. Worth the listen if you play fantasy football.

wow they do it again AMAZING

just when I thought I had gotten all the knowledge possible from there amazing Pods they come out with another FREE app that is a league winner. i just went through 1 hour worth of research in 10 mins. Great job great app great community. game of inches and i got a foot ahead due to this new product.

Best Fantasy App

Clean and well put together. Works just like the UDK app if any of you have purchased that from them in the past. Love it!

Fantasy Footballers are FANTASTIC!

I’ve been a follower for years!! Love the humor and the up to date, “fantastic” analysis!!!


What a perfect combination - humor, insight and fun. This is the best fantasy football podcast!

They’re smart.

I won the 1 league I was in last year because of these guys.


I sooo want to use this app for breaking news alerts but don’t see any options for alerts anywhere. Does it even do notifications? I can’t tell…I want it to but if it doesn’t then I have no reason to keep it.

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