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Triathlon Tracker App Reviews

Triathlon Tracker app recently received 8 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Triathlon Tracker app an average rating of 3.53 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 137 ratings since its release on May 22 by MySwimPro. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Triathlon Tracker?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.00 out of 5

137 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Triathlon Tracker app: Spain.

8 Positive User Reviews for Triathlon Tracker

Does it’s job

You should be able to customize the data displayed during a discipline. For example, on runs would really like to have my SPM viewable like the stock apple workout app allows

Easy to use!

This is the perfect App to track a Sprint or Olympic Distance Triathlon. It is very easy to use and I love how I can see my splits for each part of the race.

Duathlon ?

I purchased the app but I only have the option the select duathlon not triathlon? Can you assist?

Update: works, occasionally freezes

This app is great when it works, but occasionally it will freeze on the Swim leg

Worked perfectly

I recently used the app for a sprint Tri in MN. It worked without a hitch. Kept working even in the background when I got a txt. Glad I bought it.

Total time

I noticed after my first use during an international Tri that the total time didn’t add up. I did the race in 1:54 and it gave me a total time of 43min. Otherwise like the app.

Developer Obviously Comitted

Some of the earlier posts worried me a bit but it is obvious that the developer takes this app seriously and is continuously improving it. You can look at the version history and see so. Just used it and it worked great.

Great transition app... GPS needs work

Overall this is App is great but the run distances have been off a good amount, ran a USAT run route and at the 5k finish the distance was off .4mi when compared to my running partners.

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