Icewind Dale app icon
Sweden App Store

Icewind Dale-apprecensioner

Icewind Dale-appen fick nyligen 4 positiva recensioner på iPhone, iPad och Android-enheter. Användare i Sweden har gett appen Icewind Dale ett genomsnittligt betyg på 4.17 av 5 stjärnor, baserat på totalt 171-betyg sedan den släpptes på Aug 18 av Overhaul Games. Kan du dela med dig av dina positiva eller negativa tankar om Icewind Dale?

Betyg och recensioner
Betygsatt 4.00 av 5

171 globala betyg

5 Stjärna
4 Stjärna
3 Stjärna
2 Stjärna

Utforska globala recensioner av Icewind Dale-appen: France, Italy, Spain, Germany, US.

4 Positiva användarrecensioner för Icewind Dale

Great fun

This is great fun since I never played icewind Dale when it came out. I hope there will be some new titles using this engine as well as enhanced editions.

Great game - one flaw

Love the games in this series on the iPad. The game should be playable on iPhone 6 except for one major flaw: the left and right menus are almost impossible to get back after you minimize. Developers, please take note!

Still a fel bugs

When you export a character, you can't import them nor can you create a new character because of the exports made, the game errors and shuts down everytime.

Amazing game, annoying touch bugs!

I love this game, and it’s a true masterpiece... The only thing that prevents me from giving a five-star rating is those oh-so-annoying touch bugs... For example, in every fight when I try to heal a party member, using another members heal spell, instead of applying the healing order, it shifts focus to control the character I want to heal... I often have to repeat the heal order 3-4 times until finally, the order to heal is applied... ... And if issues like this was fixed, it would be five s

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