17 Positiva användarrecensioner för Archers Online: PvP
Kul spel men väldigt mycket reklam
Kul spel men det som drar ner betyget rejält är all reklam man måste titta på.
En annan sak som drar ner ytterligare en stjärna är att när man låst upp och har uppgraderat till max på vissa pilar så fortsätter det att fyllas på där men inte på de pilar man har kvar att uppgradera. Helt onödigt alltså att titta på reklam mm när man ändå inte får något för det.
Förutom dessa saker och en hel del andra buggar så är spelet kul när man väl kan spela det.
Cant stop playing
Funny game, cant stop playing
Crashes at startup
Great game but since the last update it cannot be started. I have the latest Beta version of iOS.
Good game but many ads
Bra tidsfördriv
Faktiskt jävligt roligt på tåget/bussen eller muggen
Good game
Very nice controls and fun to play.
Best game ever
Simple but fun. it would be even funnier if you could change colors or have other camuflages, and more arrows to choose from, im gladly to see more obstacles with arrows that can bounce and more shields or helmets you can choose from so it gets even harder for the other playes to shoot you. but he gets even more money if he does it. Do you see, what I see an opportunity with this good game, to make it even better!!!!
Ett bra spel. Rekomenderar till all’s.
Roligt som tusan
Profiluppdateringar mellan mobiler funkar lite sämre
Less videos please
This is fun and well made, but the constant videos take away a lot of the enjoyment
Cool action
Enkelt kul spel mot random players
Jättekul spel och fin grafik
Coins, Gems & Ad’s
Fun and addictive! But as with any other game, pay for upgrades by watching ads and collecting coins and gems.
Fun game
Rogivande spel utan reklam
2 Negativa användarrecensioner för Archers Online: PvP
Greeeed has struck the studio
Before you could play 1vs1 and have fun. You would do inapp purchases just to progress a bit faster but very well balanced. Now today i managed to play 1 game in and then being forced to watch minutes of ads because i did not buy the very expensive season pass. This is a very fun game but i have to consider uninstalling after this greee in my face and not being able to play rapidly anymore.
Insanely funny game but….
You need to play or watch commercials to make any progress in this game. Today Im a bit angry. The commercial reward implementation is quite buggy. I have just watched three commercials and after each commercial the game has crashed without giving me the reward. I have more fun to do than watching King Robert die again for nothing.