30 Positiva användarrecensioner för Township
Omg my favorit!
I had play another game but today i just saw this old game i had its like perfect the best 100% recomented
It is a good game but it is not like the ads show you..!
Bra 🤩
Det är ett jättebra spel, rekommenderar det.
Det är inte reklam, inte ett enda!
Brrra ❤️
Väldigt bra och roligt spel rekommenderar detta för dig som gillar tillexempel hay day 🤩🤩🤩😄 ladda ner !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is the pick axes I collect from the mine not adding to my total pick axes
Dehär spelet är jätte alpha sigma
Ni vet väl att ni är på svenska appstore nu och kan prata svenska.
Just two things…
I like the game but I wasn’t like the add. I think it’s really fun to play but it’s almost exactly like HayDay it’s fun but false advertising.
Also I don’t always want to do the competitions and it’s really annoying because it take a lot of time to just try to skip over when they show how to do (played a while so I know what to do)
I want it to be easier to skip over the explanation of the competition so we who know what to do, either can focus on our city or just get started whit the game
Fun and creative 🤩
It’s funny because you can type of have a farm city , but if you type of feed a cow it’s taking to long time
Det är en rolig spel men ibland så fattar jag inte vad jag ska göra och jag brukar inte spela det så mycket men mitt betyg är ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Den tvingar mig att köpa saker!
Stina Hartwig
Det var ett hemskt roligt spel 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼😊😊😊💕💕
Good game
It’s fun to play every now and then
Bondgårds spel
Det är lite tråkigt och är typ som hay day men annars är det bra
I think this is a good game although when you get good at the GaMe it gets boring. Please make more things to do when you’re bored or just have completed the game / Thanks
Bästa spelet! Jag rekommenderar detta spel
Bästa spelet ever!
Jag älskar det, sånt flöde. Och leta efter en bra co-op. Det gör jättemycket att ha en bra co-op grupp att tillhöra!
Good game
Buen juego pero para las regatas quitan las tareas de los mini juegos
Buen juego pero…
Es muy buen juego, pero sería genial que los ciudadanos pagaran impuestos, el clima variara según la época del año y eventos según las fiestas como el extingo Citiville.
Muy bueno
Llevo jugándolo hace 4 años y por el tiempo no me ha decepcionado pero, en la temporada de Halloween no estuvo bueno ya que no decoraron como el año pasado además de qué no hubieron eventos que corresponden al tiempo de época pero, todo lo demás bien pero, arreglen eso de poner buenos eventos, y espero que ya en Diciembre ya tengan todo de Navidad al menos eso pido.
Es un buen juego y me encanta pero algunos juegos de los eventos son muy difíciles como por ejemplo el que está ahorita. Pienso que esos son muy difíciles y piden mucho dinero para seguir jugando y por eso uno no puede avanzar ni obtener los premios temporales.
8 Negativa användarrecensioner för Township
Fake add
Soft sim city game. The add is a mini game
This game is not the same in the game ads. And its like Hay Day?
False ad
Not like the ads at all.
So the commercial for the game shows a lot of mini games. I played for hours, and the only mini game I came across was a candy crush rip-off. To advance, you need to pay with real money, so the micro transactions are extremely prevalent. Do not play this game.
Don’t bother unless you want to spend money
It is a really good and fun game, but like many other games, greed is destroying it in the end. Unless you want to spend a lot of real money, don’t bother. That’s pretty much the only way to keep it interesting. You need to buy in-game-cash to be able to complete your buildings and move forward in the Candy Crush inspired mini game, which is way too hard to actually be fun.
Wasted potential for an otherwise great app. I will uninstall it as soon as I’ve spent my in-game-cash.
Hatar dig
Gillar it spelet
No support
So bad that there is no real support to contact only a chat bot which cannot answer the problem you have
Suddenly I got thrown out of the coop. Because I was spamming, the leader gave as reason. Which I was not. How do you even spam in this game?! I did most of the tasks and I helped people all the time. How do I report this behaviour?