EpocCam Webcamera for Computer App Reviews
The EpocCam Webcamera for Computer app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given EpocCam Webcamera for Computer app an average rating of 4.31 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 26.2K ratings since its release on Aug 24 by Corsair Memory. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about EpocCam Webcamera for Computer?
26.2K global ratings
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45 Positive User Reviews for EpocCam Webcamera for Computer
I'm reviewing so I can use the front camera. Also works on older machines so that's a plus
When it comes to recording and being on calls EpocCam get’s the job done no question, and I love them for it. However, when it comes to live-streaming it falls short. Even with fast internet and the lowest bitrate EpocCam lags behind everything else. And it seems I’m not the only one with this problem. If I could give it 3.5 stars I would, but live-streaming being such a big reason I bought this app it’s almost a dealbreaker for me. I have no doubt that when they fix this it’ll become the bes
It has what I need in a live webcam: mirror mode. I need to see how I look as if I was looking at a mirror. My DSLR can’t do this and no webcam is worth $100+ especially when my iPhone can do better. I do wish the app and software had more features it looks pretty barebones and basic.
Does not like to stay connected
Everytime I use it, even for a few minutes, my phone gets overheated a lot. I haven't used it with a usb cable yet (used it with wifi only). Really disappointed.
Does exactly what I need to to do for a twitch or basic webcam. Links into obs and nvidia broadcast perfectly and effortlessly
Aside from the occasional locking up and a high CPU utilization, I really like this app. I would prefer if there was a feature that would lock out all incoming messages and calls as this will freeze the screen.
App works with one computer. When you have multiple computers with the driver, or multiple phones to be shared to different computers over Wi-Fi, I have not had success getting the needed connections.
Used the app for couple days here are my absorption; - there should be way to close screen when you streaming as camera. It’s drains battery it doesn’t dim or close the iPhone ‘s screen. - there should be way to configure through Mac as an app. - iPhone capable 4k video 1080p video etc. but no setting s for this on the app. It limits the 720p -. No settings for frame rate 30-60 fps. These would make the app better. I would change my rating you could add these features.
needs option to dim screen
I enjoy this app but with Pro, the most recent update you took away the 2x zoom and only put 3x . Add it back please. I can’t do my zoom calls with 3x
This app has saved my life, I have saved several dollars on a webcam and using my phone I get great video quality.
Very good quality but doesn’t always work. Actually never works when you absolutely need it too.
Works well most of the time but they NEED to add a way to disable the camera in app so it doesn’t drain battery if you are only using the microphone functionality
It works but it’s a bit annoying having to go through the task manager to restart the service every time I want it to connect. They should fix this problem. If not for this issue I’d give it 5 stars
Downloaded most recent driver and paid for Pro app and it still will only connect via USB at 720p 30 to my M1 MacBook Air.
Tengo problema con la cámara que no carga en mi computadora
There’s a new overexposure bug on older devices, iPhone X and earlier, at least. If there is a light source from the side, one side of the face can get extremely washed out. This does not happen in iPhone 11 or 12
It’s good quality but I wish it had 4k
That’s the problem though. Sometimes you plug it in and it works, other times you plug it in and it acts wonky…
I am really impressed with the ease of use and the quality of iPhone as a webcam!
Love it once it’s connected. Has trouble connecting to SLOBS unless I reinstall drivers.
This is exactly what I needed. It allows me to use my iPhone as a webcam to record directly to my MacBook in 1080p. It works great with QuickTime and OBS streaming software. I highly recommend it!
Glad that there is no data collected. As it should be. Great app that allows me to use the best cameras that I already own; iPhone 13 Pro Thanks developers !
It turns your phone into a web cam. Even uses the wide camera most iPhones today has which not every app takes advantage of. I kinda wished they kept there prior name which was Kinoni and pretty cute. You need to have this.
Setup is really easy and can be done really fast. Connects through WiFi really well with basically no quality loss. Only stops working when desktop app needs to be updated but isn't really a problem.
i use a bunch of different systems and the only thing missing here is linux support for my desktop
The app is amazing!!! But it’s sooooo laggy sometimes please fix this app so it isn’t laggy people pay actual money for this so this simple fix shouldn’t be happening
Using it for a true crime channel I started. Really great quality I think up to 1080p 30fps. With some good lighting it honestly looks professional
Really good as all iPhone cameras are good Meaning this is the best option for streamers if you can’t get a DSLR Thank you elgato for saving my streams
Easy to install and get up and running for Mac and PC. Great job Elgato.
No way to disable video but great app
I love this app but plz add 60fps option and add more control to exposure and white balance
坚屏起来到电脑就变成只有1/3的画面了 不知道是不是因为我不会用 总之也没看到选项。
Después del último update comenzó a surgir esta dificultad.
Thank you Elgato for creating this for iOS devices. This app allows me to use my iPad Pro as another camera for my stream setup. Now if only there was a way to view the Twitch live chat. Heh
Excellent application from Watson. rw
This helped me out with hand cams so much and now makes me want the stream deck and much more after looking deeper Great work
The only thing I would change is the fact that I can't white balance on the app
This helps me not to buy a webcam and just use my phone thank you
It works with Mac, just not on discord application. If you want it to work on discord you have to use the chrome page and not the discord app on your computer. I use it with OBS
While using discord on my phone I learned that my voice was better than my voice while using epoccam on the same hardware (iPhone XR). Allow us to select microphone we wish to use as the webcam microphone please! 🤞
I love this app but the only problem is we can’t fully control the camera, I wish u add exposure control and iso + please add 60FPS and 4k resolution that would be great .
Would really like an autofocus/locked focus toggle, with persistent display of status. It’s too easy to accidentally change this setting with an errant tap.
Very useful, I don’t have a webcam so this helps out a lot. I don’t know why it’s 8 dollars though, could’ve been at least 5 at most.